It’s The Gang’s Handguns, Stupid

Scourge of NYC’s streets

Ninety percent, or 2,493, of the 2,779 illegal firearms seized from suspects in arrests in the city last year were handguns.

By contrast, a total of 77 assault weapons were seized in arrests in the city, less than 3 percent of the total.

In only three of nearly 1,400 shooting incidents last year were ballistics associated with assault weapons.

Ray Kelly: Handguns are the scourge of the city –

New York has a problem with gangs and illegal pistols, so being the left wing geniuses that they are, they chose to confiscate legal rifles – which will increase the crime rate and endanger families and children. An AR-15 saved two college students in New York last week.

Rochester, N.Y. —  Early Tuesday morning, Christopher Boise heard a noise coming from the basement. As he walked toward the source of that noise, the RIT student noticed two men standing in the downstairs portion of his apartment.

“They were waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs,” said Boise.

One of them had a handgun trained on Boise.

Within moments, Boise screamed. His cries were heard by his roommate, Raymond.

“It wasn’t like a, ‘I stepped by stepped on a piece of glass’ kind of scream,” Raymond said.  “So, I instinctively went to my gun bag.”

Raymond owns an AR-15 which is a military style rifle.

Raymond estimated that just five seconds passed until the door started to open. It was one of the intruders.

“By the time I had it out and ready, one of the men came at my door, slowly opened it, saw that there was a barrel on the other side and from there backed out,” Raymond said.

The two men fled the apartment.

Nothing was taken and no shots were fired.

RIT Students Accosted By Gunmen In Their Home – Rochester, News, Weather, Sports, and Events –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to It’s The Gang’s Handguns, Stupid

  1. gator69 says:

    They aren’t worried about another Sandy Hook, they are worried about another Ruby Ridge or Waco. Or worse. I have found that if I leave a rattle snake alone, he will leave me in peace, I even have a flag to that effect.

  2. philjourdan says:

    The sequel will be with 2 dead college students – thanks to Cuomo.

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