Leading Democratic Minds Compare Climate Change To Gay Rights

ScreenHunter_96 Jan. 29 22.31

U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), co-chairs of a new task force on climate

U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, one of Congress’s few outspoken environmental advocates, is making a new argument for legislative action on climate change: Lawmakers who oppose future measures to reverse global warming, Whitehouse argues, will pay a price — in votes.

Whitehouse, who last Thursday announced the formation of a bicameral task force to address the issue, compared climate change to social issues like gay rights and immigration reform

Climate Hawk: GOP Will “Pay In The Future” For Ignoring Climate Change

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Leading Democratic Minds Compare Climate Change To Gay Rights

  1. Ivan says:

    He’s got a point there.
    If they get their way on “climate change” we’ll all be taking it up the arse.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, one of Congress’s few outspoken environmental advocates, is making a new argument for legislative action on climate change: Lawmakers who oppose future measures to reverse global warming, Whitehouse argues, will pay a price — in votes.

    That’s why we need a well-financed advertising campaign to change public opinion on AGW!
    I’m talking to you, you think about doing what you can do to help organize a PAC. An effective campaign will be largely self-supporting $, as conservatives will donate en masse. Turn the tables on that crazy left wing scare-mongering nutcase Sheldon Whitehouse. http://chosun1.wordpress.com/2009/12/26/sheldon-whitehouse-just-another-statist-buffoon/
    And, oh, manpig again. Hard to deal with seeing that grotesque visage.

    • ” … a well-financed advertising campaign to change public opinion on AGW! …

      A.k.a. one that will “reposition global warming as theory rather than fact”. I described how that very phrase, which in a completely generic sense is a very good idea, has been used as a weapon against skeptics for over 20 years in an out-of-context portrayal insinuating a sinister top-down industry directive to ‘manufacture doubt’ about the issue. Please see “Monumental fault in manmade global warming notion hiding in plain sight” http://ow.ly/h9wy4

      For whatever PAC you propose, I suggest a two-prong assault: 1) state the skeptic climate assessments in the clearest possible manner, continually noting how they are supported by peer-reviewed science journal-published papers, and, 2) clearly show how the AGW side runs from debate, resorts to character assassination of its critics, and more egregiously, sees the need to manufacture doubt about the credibility of skeptics by twisting a noble 1991 effort to educate the public into a literally unsupportable, potentially libelous/slanderous accusation.

      BTW, dealing with Al Gore is quite easy. Show how his fingerprints are seen on the efforts of point #2 above: “Pt II: Is Gore’s Accusation of Skeptic Climate Scientists Still a Hoax?” http://ow.ly/heyKj

  3. Mike Mangan says:

    One of the few faces that would actually look better after flying through a windshield.

  4. miked1947 says:

    Have pity on those of us that were about to eat this morning! 😉

  5. gator69 says:

    That’s because they cannot compare it to anything scientific.

    Inside the leftist brain… “inhale, exhale, emote…”

  6. Andy DC says:

    All we need is another tax with this sick economy, as well as a carbon futures market, where rich insiders can manipulate the cost, while skimming billions off the top. While the average person pays much more for energy.

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