Illinois July Temperatures Declining

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” the Center for American Progress’ Christie Hefner said that Chicago’s sky-high murder rate could be blamed — at least in part — on climate change.

Liberal Christie Hefner ties Chicago murder rate to climate change | The Daily Caller

Brilliant theory, except that Illinois summers are getting cooler, and July 2009 was the coldest July on record in Illinois.

ScreenHunter_115 Jan. 31 06.37

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Illinois July Temperatures Declining

  1. Rick Pay says:

    Hefner should stick to T&A and leave the DOA to the police 😉

  2. Andy DC says:

    How dare you show actual temperature data. You are cherry picking! (sarc)

  3. gator69 says:

    Odd that they cannot find a connection between cities and violence.

    The “Urban Hooded Idiot” effect. 😉

  4. Justa Joe says:

    Of all of the incredibly stupid claims made about so-called AGW, and there’s a LOT to choose from. This claim just might take the sap-sucking prize. Funny we won’t hear any warmists come out and repudiate this trash because it’s all about the political agenda.

    This numb-skull claim by Ms. Hefner could be shot down in about a million ways, but let’s try this one. By Ms. Hefner’s logic San Diego, for example, should have a higher per-capita murder rate than Chicago, which is fricking freezing during the winter BTW, corollary to temperature. It doesn’t.

    • Ben says:

      If her logic was correct, the per capita murder rate would increase steadily as one moved south, and Michael Mann would tout a new temperature proxy, “The Historical Isothermic Violence Proxy”.

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