Arctic Ice Growth During October

New October ice is green.


Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Arctic Ice Growth During October

  1. @njsnowfan says:

    All but 2 Buoys in the Arctic are reading -20C or lower today.

    Watch this chart in next 2 days will go below mean again.
    Daily mean temperatures for the Arctic area north of the 80th northern parallel, plotted with daily climate values

  2. @njsnowfan says:

    Frost Advisory for early morning tee time Golfers at Greenland country club today.

  3. kbray in california says:

    Row, row, row your boat
    Gently down the stream
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
    Life is but a dream

    ?? And where would those rowers be now ??

    • @njsnowfan says:

      The Artic rowers rented a place, Thanksgiving eve, and are trying to sell tickets. Must be to to pay for the transportation cost of bringing back their dingy from Canada. They will also show some slides of their failed uncompleted journey and anyone who wants to pet or touch their dingy it will be on site of the show.
      All told they burned more fossil fuels between air travel, ground transportation, cooking and heating foods with fossil fuels and flying out their dingy.

  4. Andy DC says:

    Fairbanks, AK averaged 12 degrees F above normal in October. That did not seem to impede the Arctic from gaining ice.

  5. When the arctic opens up and lets the heat out, I think you can expect quite a wicked recovery. I’ll bet that water is just above freezing now and you’ll see spectacular gains this year (beyond what’s already happened). I think you’ll see the phase shift reverse too (extent curve will shift left) as the extent goes higher.

  6. Traitor In Chief says:

    Where are the trolls to explain how the Koch Brothers made that ice with a machine?

  7. margaret berger says:

    In related news, according to drudge, obama doubles down on stupid and directs the government to prepare for global warming.

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