How Long Before Nuttercelli Censors My Comment?

ScreenHunter_49 Nov. 15 19.44ScreenHunter_48 Nov. 15 19.43

16 November 2013 2:45am

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to How Long Before Nuttercelli Censors My Comment?

  1. Lance says:

    0.0 * 2 still equals zero….

  2. Joseph says:

    There are a few people I just cannot stand. Nuttercelli is one of them.

    By the way, Steve, (this is a little old at this point but if you didn’t already know about it) it looks like Nuttercelli has responded to a query as to who you are. Thought you might want to take a look:

  3. Billy N.Z. says:

    Yeah,PMSL at those dopey pricks. All publicity is good Steve,you must really be riling them. As they say,when the flak is firing,you’re over the target,or words to that effect.

  4. Billy N.Z. says:

    Those people must live a sad and probably lonely life. Can’t recall Mann or Hansen ever smiling. Not sure about that Nutter fella,never read anything from him.

    • Ivan says:

      Quasi-religious apocalyptic sects attract humorless people like this that like to tell other people how to live their lives — or else!

      • I don’t view their quasi religion as apocalyptic. Yes, they preach a kind of apocalypse, but their followers have ‘special knowledge’ that will enable them to save the world. In that respect, they are closer to the Gnostics.

  5. Chris BC says:

    It’s gone now. Funny how one of their other cheerleader commenters mention his/her anonymous posting at WUWT, and was surprised it wasn’t censored.

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