Scientific American Wants To “jeopardize rain and crops”

Climate experts want to switch to dependence on solar power, and then block sunlight.

“Global warming is so rampant that some scientists say we should begin altering the stratosphere to block incoming sunlight, even if it jeopardizes rain and crops”

It’s Time to Engineer the Sky – Scientific American

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October 14 Eclipse

I plan to travel to New Mexico and film the October 14 annular eclipse. Should be quite a show if it isn’t cloudy.

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Not A Billion Dollar Disaster

NOAA uses “billion dollar disasters” as a climate metric, because population growth and inflation give them one more way to create completely fake climate statistics.

“333 Dead as Floods Hit Barcelona Area; At Least 1,000 Hurt

By The Associated Press,
BARCELONA, Spain, Thursday, Sept. 27, 1962—Flash floods, from drought-breaking rain-storms tore through industrial centers of the Barcelona area early yesterday, killing hundreds of persons and destroying many factories, homes and bridges. Today, 24 hours later, unofficial estimates placed the death toll at 350 to 400. Latest official reports said at least 333 bodies had been recovered. The injured totaled at least 1,000.

Damage estimates ranged above $80,000,000, More than 1,500 homes were swept away. Twenty-five factories were destroyed and 50 others badly, damaged. An estimated 15,000 workers were left without jobs.

Mass Burials Planned
Stunned and homeless survivors sadly made plans for mass burials during the day.”

TimesMachine: September 27, 1962 –

“Chicago Tribune
27 Sep 1962, Thu – Page 3

Floods in Greece

ATHENS, Sept. 26 (#i—Two thousand persons were reported homeless today in two Greek villages in the Larissa area which were flooded when an irrigation dam on the Pinios river cracked after big rains. Urgent requests for medical supplies, food, and tents were received from the stricken area. Wide- spread areas of Greece reported floods.”

27 Sep 1962, 3 – Chicago Tribune at

h/t Don Penim

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1,039 New Coal Fired Power Plants

There are 1,039 new coal fired power plants in the works, with the majority in China and almost all in the developing world. Yet for some reason the “climate protests” aren’t being held in those countries.

Tracker Map – Global Energy Monitor

Climate Protest Tracker – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

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Please Enter The Boxcar Peacefully

Dennis Meadows of the Club of Rome wants to reduce the world’s population by almost 90%, without complaint or resistance from the people being eliminated.

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Forecasting Climate Change

Forecasting climate is impossible, because nobody understands it. But forecasting the bad behavior of climate academics is quite predictable.

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The Miracle Of Life

Ruby and Toto became parents yesterday, and Kirye and Caesar are grandparents of four new climate warriors.

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Toto’s Announcement

After seventeen years, Toto is father of four beautiful babies.  Ruby is the proud mother.

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The Safe Climate Of 1903


Drought and Famine Have Devastated the Cape Verde Islands, and the In- habitants Are Starving.

Further details were obtained yesterday concerning the terrible famine now raging throughout the Cape Verde Islands, following an unprecedented drought and consequent failure of crops. The brigantine St. Thiago, Capt. Francisco Olivera, from Praia, the chief town of the Island of St. Thiago and seat of the Portuguese Island Government, brings the news that not a drop of rain has fallen on any of the ten islands of the group for more than two years. At last the once blossoming and fertile lands have been reduced to barren wastes, on which dire want and suffering have afflicted the inhabitants in varying degrees for months, until at last the limit has been reached, and now the peasants, never greatly blessed with riches, are dying by scores daily of actual starvation.”

ISLANDERS ON VERGE OF RUIN.; Drought and Famine Have Devastated the Cape Verde Islands, and the Inhabitants Are Starving. – The New York Times

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The Manchurian Billionaire

The US has the world’s largest coal reserves, and Michael Bloomberg wants to shut down US coal and gas. But for some reason he isn’t trying to stop 100 new coal fired power plants in China per year.

Bloomberg launches $500 million war to close all coal plants and block new gas plants | Washington Examiner

China permits two new coal power plants per week in 2022 – Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air

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