Monthly Archives: November 2012

Engineers, Scientists And Politicians

When scientists fail spectacularly, they get tenure, wide acclaim, a possible Nobel Prize, and perhaps even a well paid position at the White House. When engineers fail, we get this : [youtube=] . When politicians ignore engineers, we get this : [youtube=] … Continue reading

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I’m Dreaming Of A Communist Christmas

The 1950s musical White Christmas is about a group of WWII veterans unhappy about 70 degree weather in Vermont on Christmas Eve. They were dreaming of a White Christmas, and planning to help out their WWII general. Fast forward to … Continue reading

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Ehrlich Holiday Cheer From 1969

In 1969, the consensus of scientists delivered an uplifting Thanksgiving message to all the peoples of the world – “Earth to be destroyed in the year 2000.” Never question a scientist, because they are smarter than you.

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Doha Heads Up!

Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists have their heads up their asses. We have vast amounts of historical data concerning the weather when CO2 was below 350 ppm, and it was no better than today. | Real Science Arguing about lowering … Continue reading

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Obama Has Advanced Since 2008

After being elected in 2008 and immediately slowing the rise of sea level and healing the planet, Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing peace to the Middle East. He has advanced further since the 2012 election landslide: … Continue reading

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Shocking View Of Destroyed New Jersey Coastline

One month after Sandy, areas that used to be a beach are now covered with sand. Weather Webcams | Weather Underground This is what it looked like just before Sandy made landfall Weather Webcams | Weather Underground

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Sometimes You Just Have To Lie To Save The Planet

Tom Nelson caught this : [youtube=] Schneider is claiming that in the 1970s “we” knew that carbon dioxide would overheat the Earth, the following image is shown:  look, it says “Climatic Change” there, and that portion of a graph appears … Continue reading

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1950 Shock News : Strange Atmospheric Events Causing Floods, Droughts, Polar Melting, Global Warming

The world’s top climate scientist – James Hansen – says that 350 ppm CO2 would stabilize the climate, because he has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. 25 Jan 1950 – THE BARRIER MINER WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1950. S… … Continue reading

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Time To Call In The Debt

The US government has cleverly placed every child in America over $100,000 in debt. This has been accomplished through Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, which paid poor women to have lots of Democratic voting babies which would immediately go on the government dole … Continue reading

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New York Times Joins The Mayans

There had been warnings. In 2009, the New York City Panel on Climate Change issued a prophetic report. Is This the End? – Mayan prophets agree – we were warned. In 1821, a major hurricane hit New York at … Continue reading

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