Daily Archives: January 2, 2013

A Whacked Out View Of America

Many foreigners imagine that the US is a wild west shooting gallery, and nothing could be farther from the truth. Most of the households here in Colorado own guns, and the thought of being shot never occurs to me. I have been hit by … Continue reading

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Colorado Burning Update

Weather Forecast Alamosa, CO | Alamosa Weather | Wunderground

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2008 Campaign Literature “Barack Obama will restore fiscal discipline to Washington”

This document used to be on the whitehouse.gov web site Barack Obama will restore fiscal discipline to Washington: Obama and Biden review the federal budget line by line and eliminate programs that don’t work or are unnecessary. Plan for Restoring Fiscal Discipline … Continue reading

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Feinstein Hoping To Turn The US Over To Gangs With Illegal Guns

Illegal guns are wrecking US cities, so Diane Feinstein wants to disarm the honest people Last week Chicago marked its 500 homicide this year. “The city has seen its 500th homicide for 2012, a tragic number that is reflective of the … Continue reading

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Extreme Global Warming In Colorado

I drove through the San Luis Valley (southern Colorado) this afternoon, and thought I was in Alaska (feels like -36C) http://wxug.us/vu0f

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Obama Says That Adding $4 Trillion Debt Will Strengthen The Economy

Fiscal cliff deal will add $4 trillion to US deficit, says CBO – Telegraph BBC News – President Obama praises US ‘fiscal cliff’ deal

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Journal News Goes Full Hypocrisy

The hypocrisy of left wing scum knows no bounds. The Journal News made the decision last week to endanger everyone in the several counties, by publishing a map showing the name and  location of all registered gun owners. Almost half … Continue reading

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