Daily Archives: January 5, 2013

Who Are The Killers?

The press corpse wants you to believe that scary looking NRA members who drive pickup trucks and Harleys and attend gun shows are going to come hurt you. Nothing could be further from the truth.  

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New York Times Lowers The The Freezing Point Of Water By About Fifty Degrees

You can’t make this stuff up Rinks in Canada’s Arctic Turn to Cooling Systems By JEFF Z. KLEIN Published: January 4, 2013 Winter has come to the vast, northernmost reaches of Canada, the sparsely populated area surrounding the Arctic Circle … Continue reading

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January 1906 : 124 Degrees In Victoria

08 Jan 1906 – AT MILDURA. ANOTHER SCORCHING DAY. SHADE READING… This was thirteen degrees warmer than the “record heatwave” forecast of 2012 Weather Forecast Mildura, Victoria | Mildura Weather | Wunderground h/t to Ivan

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Massive Cold Blast Forecast For The US

Temperatures have been running far below normal this winter in most of the US, and are forecast to get much colder in about a week. MonthTDeptUS.png (688×531) The forecast is another 10 degree drop in temperature – towards historic lows. 10-Day Temperature … Continue reading

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Southwest US And Mexico Buried In Snow

A sure sign of global warming is when 80% of New Mexico is covered with snow. National Snow Analyses – NOHRSC – The ultimate source for snow information Overheated air from the rapidly melting Arctic travels south, and causes snow … Continue reading

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The Obama Animal Farm

In the Obama world, America haters are more equal than loyal Americans The Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) inquiry into whether NBC’s David Gregory possession on national TV of an illegal 30-round “high-capacity” magazine has been ongoing for three weeks. Meanwhile, U.S. Army veteran James Brinkley is still grappling … Continue reading

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How Obama/Feinstein Plan To End The Second Amendment

Step one – ban gun sales and demand registration of existing legal guns. They will call this reasonable and prudent. Step two – later note that gun crime has increased since implementation of step one, and say that Americans simply … Continue reading

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NASA On Crack

WASHINGTON — Warm ocean currents attacking the underside of ice shelves are the dominant cause of recent ice loss from Antarctica, a new study using measurements from NASA’s Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) revealed. An international team of … Continue reading

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Thinking Like A Leftie

After Sandy hit and people in New York were freezing in the dark and unable to obtain fuel, Mayor Bloomberg called for restrictions on fossil fuels and higher prices. After the massacre of defenseless adults and schoolchildren at a gun free zone … Continue reading

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Journal News Puts New York’s Finest In Danger

Law enforcement officials from a New York region where a local paper published a map identifying gun owners say prisoners are using the information to intimidate guards. Rockland County Sheriff Louis Falco, who spoke at a news conference flanked by … Continue reading

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