Daily Archives: January 15, 2013

Obama Thinks He Won A Mandate To Be Dictator


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Unprecedented Third Consecutive La Nina

Trenberth says that El Nino is caused by global warming, so we can officially say that global warming is dead as a doornail. Just in time for NOAA and NASA to make fools of themselves lying about the global temperature. sst_anom.gif … Continue reading

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Gun-Free Zone

This was made possible because of laws making airplanes gun free zones. The perpetrators knew that the pilots were not armed and were able to kill thousands of people with just box cutters. Instead of spending hundreds of billions of dollars on airport … Continue reading

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Jesse Jackson Explains That He Is A Complete Moron

“These semi-automatic weapons, these assault weapon, can only kill people and in fact are threats to national security. The young man who did the killing in Aurora, Colorado with the arsenal he had. He was right near the airport, right … Continue reading

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