Daily Archives: January 22, 2013

US Comes Full Circle

In 1776, the US fought a war of independence against a tyrannical leader who taxed them without representation. In 2012, the US president promised to raise taxes, and bypass the elected representatives of the American people. But first he wants … Continue reading

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97% Of Vatican Experts Agree That Earth Is Center Of The Universe

Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science – Barack Obama

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Obama Promises To Fund More Green Energy Scandals

Obama put out the word today that he is arranging for green energy scamsters to be able to steal lots more money from America’s children. The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But America cannot … Continue reading

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Romney’s Income Taxes Vs. Climate Change

During the presidential campaign, hope and change Obama told us that the most important issue facing America was Mitt Romney’s income taxes. Obama’s Senate Majority Leader expanded on this, telling us that Romney didn’t pay any income tax. That has all changed … Continue reading

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