Daily Archives: January 29, 2013

US January Temperatures Warmest In The 1940s And 1950s

GHCN HCN data shows that the warmest Januaries in the US occurred during the 1940s and early 1950s, and the coldest occurred during the period 1954-1983. The current decade has been colder than the previous one.

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Heidi Permanent Drought Deepens

On Saturday, Heidi Cullen announced that the western drought would only get worse. Since she made her prophecy, Wolf Creek Colorado has received three feet of snow. Web Cam – Wolf Creek Ski Area

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English Newspaper Dedicates Section To US Gun Confiscation

England has 4X the violent crime rate of the US – and we fought a revolutionary war to get free from them. So now The Guardian wants our guns confiscated.

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One Sandy Hook Parent Which They Don’t Want You To Know About

Parents of children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School appeared before a subcommittee of the Connecticut Legislature on Monday to speak about gun control. While some used the platform to promote stricter firearms legislation, at least one parent became passionate, … Continue reading

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UHI Has Huge Effects, But Is Unimportant

The latest from our crack scientists is that UHI has huge effects which extend thousands of miles, but they are too small to be adjusted for in the local temperature record. Those who wonder why large parts of North America … Continue reading

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Hugo Chavez Comes To America

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Smmu8DGv7-g] h/t to Lou

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1904 January Tornado

If this happened now, it would be proof of man-made global warming.   26 Jan 1904 – DESTRUCTIVE TORNADO. 137 KILLED AND INJURED. LON…

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Shock News : Arctic To Be Ice-Free By 2010

‘Frightening’ projection for Arctic melt   The Arctic Ocean could be free of ice in the summer as soon as 2010 or 2015 – something that hasn’t happened for more than a million years, according to a leading polar researcher. … Continue reading

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McKitten Does Meatloaf

One out of three ain’t bad …. sort of Twitter / billmckibben: In Nebraska’s hottest, driest … Temperatures have been declining in Nebraska, and 2012 was cooler than 1936, 1934 and 1921. Strike one. 2012 saw half as many high temperature records … Continue reading

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It Is Starting

Not difficult to see where Obama is taking this country. He is getting the Army conditioned to conduct military operations inside the US. Miami Streets around the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts were closed Tuesday night by Miami-Dade … Continue reading

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