Daily Archives: January 30, 2013

Why Interest Rates Have To Stay Low

The interest on the US debt in 2011 was $454,393,280,417.03. If interest rates doubled, that amount would double to almost a trillion dollars.

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Obama : The Young Earth Creationist

“It’s really important to remember our history,” Obama continued. “Unless you were one of the first Americans, a Native American, you came from someplace else, somebody brought you,” he said. Obama: Unless you were a Native American, you came from … Continue reading

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Five Hour Energy

Marathon death: coroner warns of danger of legal stimulants A coroner warned today of the dangers of a legal stimulant as it emerged that a runner who collapsed and died during the London marathon had taken the drug in a … Continue reading

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Sooner Or Later, We All Meet Our Maker

A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape. Proverbs 19:5

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Assault With A Deadly Light Beam

Two years ago I was driving my kids to school, and the street was cordoned off one block away from Lesher Middle School. Three police had shot a man point blank in the chest seven times with .45 caliber pistols, … Continue reading

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The US Has Almost No Influence On CO2 Levels

Obama thinks he controls the planet, but decisions made in the US have essentially no impact on global CO2 levels. This should be obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than a turnip. Global map of planned coal fired capacity … Continue reading

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Feinstein/Biden/Bloomberg Gun Confiscation Plan Released

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40% Of US All-Time Record Maximums Were Set During The 1930s

There are 824 GHCN HCN stations which have been continuously active since at least 1920. Forty percent of those stations set their all-time record maximum temperature during the 1930s. Twenty-one percent set their all-time record maximum temperature in the year … Continue reading

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We Are From The Government : We Are Here To Make Your Neighborhood Safe

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Obama Inauguration Girl Murdered In Gun-Free Chicago

A teenage girl–an honor student who had just performed at President Obama’s inaugural–was gunned down Tuesday afternoon in the Kenwood neighborhood, just blocks from the high school she attended. CBS 2’s Mike Parker reports the victim, 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton, was … Continue reading

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