40% Of US All-Time Record Maximums Were Set During The 1930s

There are 824 GHCN HCN stations which have been continuously active since at least 1920.

Forty percent of those stations set their all-time record maximum temperature during the 1930s. Twenty-one percent set their all-time record maximum temperature in the year 1936 alone.

By contrast, only one percent of those stations set their all-time record maximum temperature in the current decade. Eighty-nine percent of those stations set their all-time record with CO2 below 350 ppm.

NOAA says that 2012 was the hottest year ever in the United States. Only three stations (0.3%) set their all time record maximum during NOAA’s hottest year ever, compared to one hundred seventy two stations (21%) in 1936.

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The table above shows stations which set all-time record maximums in 2012.

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There were eight times as many all-time record maximums set in 1901 as there were during the hottest year ever 2012.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 40% Of US All-Time Record Maximums Were Set During The 1930s

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    These are outstanding points. It’s pretty clear, at the least in the United States, that the 1930s was hotter than today. Even if it was just in the US, this does not jive with the runaway warming hypothesis.

    Also big: There were eight times as many all-time record maximums set in 1901 as there were in the hottest year ever 2012.
    And also, keep remembering that we are recovering from the Little Ice Age, and that any warming has been natural. Yet it has been, apparently, very mild warming. Indeed, a main thing the warmists tried to do is manipulate the data to make the hockey stick, by accentuating the 20th century warming, eliminating the heat form the ’30s, pushing down the Medieval Warm Period, erasing out the Little Ice Age, and what else not. There is no hockey stick. Current temperatures are not extraordinary. They are normal. Nothing is wrong. All is fine.

  2. Fantastic stuff Steve. Thanks.

  3. Hugh K says:

    Oh how I wish I had the kind of money it would take to bribe…er…encourage the new Algorejazeera channel to run with this story….

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