A Remarkable 2012 Statistic

One statistic about 2012 which caught my attention was the huge ratio of record maximums to record minimums, which blew away the previous records set in 1998 and 1939. The reason that the 2012 had such a high average temperature was because of the absence of cold weather.

ScreenHunter_397 Jan. 13 06.35

2013 seems to be making up for the previous year – with record cold out here in the west.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to A Remarkable 2012 Statistic

  1. suyts says:

    Steve, this is a tip and a shameless plug…. Fiat has reached an agreement Guangzhou Automobile Group (China) to produce Jeeps! One month after Politifact called the Romney ad stating they would the “Lie of the Year”. http://suyts.wordpress.com/2013/01/13/breaking-lie-of-the-year-that-wasnt-romney-vindicated-pulitzer-prize-winning-politifact-now-politihack/

  2. ed says:

    Funny thing to me is that with the pdo/amo sawtooth riding on to of increased solar activity with a relative ceiling in 1959, and add a little uhi, we should have been setting records like mad compared to the 30s. IMO we are definitely not warmer right now compared to the dust bowl era…

    • PatN says:

      They never said they weren’t going to build Jeeps in China. They said they were not going to send American jobs to China to build Jeeps in China. YOu hav to build Chinese jeeps in Chins, not build them here and ship them there.

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