Abnormal Distributions And The Bell Shaped Conehead

Alarmists are aliens pretending to be from France

ScreenHunter_155 Jan. 11 11.07

Eugene Robinson says :

Hurricanes striking where they don’t usually strike, fires burning where they don’t usually burn, drought everywhere — these anomalies begin to add up. Scientists have long told us that one impact of climate change will be increased volatility, and unpredictability, in weather events. This appears to be what we’re getting.

Eugene Robinson: Climate-change evidence before our eyes – The Washington Post

Eugene has the IQ of a turnip. Hurricanes strike the coast, fires burn in the forest, drought is cyclical.  If there was a forest fire in the ocean or a hurricane in Colorado Springs, that would be unusual – not the other way around.

These imbeciles imagine that “normal” means exactly the same from year to year. Nature works in bell shaped curves – like Eugene Robinson’s conehead. Perhaps he should complain that it is dark at night,  and that leaves fall off the trees in the winter.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Abnormal Distributions And The Bell Shaped Conehead

  1. With such a pretty conehead pictured, this post takes on a certain poignant ambiguity. It’s hard to be mad, looking at her.

  2. tckev says:

    Just to clarify her statement –
    Hurricanes striking where they don’t usually strike – just in the bathrooms.
    Fires burning where they don’t usually burn – in the asbestos mines.
    Drought everywhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

    I hope this helps you understand what Eugene Robinson was trying to say.

  3. jst1 says:

    Eugene swallows this stuff whole. He has never questioned any of these numbers. Why would he?

  4. Robinson is why I dropped my local newspaper…any paper that would pay to run this fool on their editorial page is too stupid to read.

  5. kirkmyers says:

    The absence of critical thinking appears to be one of the chief characteristics of establishment media pundits like Robinson. Sadly, there are certain to be many gullible readers who will believe his fact-free tales of impending global warming doom.

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