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Look, you keep sending us some of your crap, so it’s only fair we send you some of ours!
It’s not a matter of anyone sending us crap; it’s a matter of too many here buying it, from anyone anywhere.
That means we get to send them a buffoon also , right ? I’d nominate michael moore except they would claim I was sending two for one . 🙂
Piers Moron might want to explain why it’s OK for the Government to kill 60,000 people in England but not OK for citizens to have guns. Just because the English have turned into sheople is no reason for the USA to emulate them. 🙂
‘60,000 patients put on death pathway without being told but minister still says controversial end-of-life plan is ‘fantastic”
Pathway involves the sick being sedated and usually denied nutrition and fluids
Families kept in the dark when doctors withdraw lifesaving treatment
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said pathway was a ‘fantastic step forward’
Anti-euthanasia group said: ‘The Pathway is designed to finish people off double quick’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2255054/60-000-patients-death-pathway-told-minister-says-controversial-end-life-plan-fantastic.html#ixzz2HO4D9ylH
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Here is sample of the new government program described above. 🙂
Maybe some forward thinker can get an oven contract with the government.
I can smell Morgan from here.
I can’t stand either one of those fools.
Classic. Morgan gets his ass kicked so someone calls it a draw.
It wasn’t a draw. I don’t like Alex Jones for his belief the US government was behind 9/11. He is a bafoon much like Morgan. There were two bafoons on the stage, one bafoon got the better of the other bafoon.
Holy Cats. “buffoon” Now I’m the “bafoon”
Bafoon is an island in Canada.
Bafoon Island –
French Canadienne I think.
The CNN video has made all the mainstream TV morning shows and the news here in Oz yesterday. The interesting thing was they used the bit after Alex slammed Piers in the first 6 minutes.
They showed the bit where Piers asks him about 911 and Alex took the bait with his usual line of inside job instead of saying, “What does 911 have to do with Sandy Hook, gun laws and your expulsion from the US for publicly attacking our citizens rights?”
Here the Australian MSM has a transparent effort to make gun owners look like conspiracy nuts. So different from when you see the whole interview on line.
There was nothing untrue in the first segment that Alex Jones stated. Unfortunately he veered off into 911 Truther territory and lost his composure in the 2nd segment. He was asked to come there to lump in the rest of us gun owners to be portrayed as raving lunatics.
Ted Nugent was also on Piers Morgan.
Go Ted!!!!
BTW, I have 2 AR15’s (one 5.56/.223 cal and one .22LR) and several other rifles/handguns. I support Ted Nugent and Alex Jones 100% on the subject of 2nd Amendment Rights even while disagreeing on other topics.
LMAO, Piers got a taste of his own and didn’t like it. 😆 Priceless!
I think Alex Jones is part of the conspiracy. His performance was definitely done to encourage gun control by making gun-advocates look like unhinged loons. It will definitely put off the fence sitters on the issue which I think is the establishment’s intent. Why can’t we have someone with intelligence and nuance, speak about gun control being 14th Amendment issue?
Jones kicked Piers Morgan’s ass across the room.
Yeah, when Lyndon laRouche & Al Gore end up on opposite sides of an issue, I don’t root for either one; only their mutual destruction.
Similarly with Alex Jones & Piers Morgan.