Americans Are 100 Times As Likely To Be Killed By A Car Than By A Rifle

Last year there were 32,367 deaths by automobile in the US, many of which were due to distracted drivers texting on their phone. That is one death every fifteen minutes.

List of motor vehicle deaths in U.S. by year – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By contrast, there were only 323 murders which involved a rifle in the US last year. You are 10,000% more likely to be killed by a bad driver than by a rifle owner. You are more likely to be killed by a hammer, club, fist or knife than by a rifle.

FBI — Expanded Homicide Data Table 11

Drivers with cell phones are far more dangerous to your safety than rifle owners are, and they kill far more children. The reason that Obama and Feinstein are going after rifles, is because rifles are a huge impediment to their goal of totalitarian power.

I have been hit by cars several times riding my bicycle and have close calls every week, but have never felt threatened by a rifle. The safest place in the world is a gun shop or a gun show.

In December 2010 alone, 548 pedestrians and cyclists were killed by cars.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Americans Are 100 Times As Likely To Be Killed By A Car Than By A Rifle

  1. scizzorbill says:

    Using reason, logic, facts, and common sense does not faze the gun grabbers. Our government, and those of the libtard persuasion do not want an armed citizenry. They will do ANYTHING to confiscate our firearms.

  2. Adam Gallon says:

    More evidence that Americans can’t be trusted with modern technology?

  3. there is no substitute for victory says:

    Let the Progressives confiscate your firearms, and your carbon fuel gobbling means of transpiration will go next. What makes any of you think that a true Progressive want’s any progress except for regressive ‘progress’ back to the Dark Ages or at least the dark ages of pre-Thomas Edison.

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