Biden To Recommend New School Zone Penalties

The vice-president will recommend that it becomes a felony for anyone to have a gun within two miles of a school.

This is a brilliant idea for the following reasons :

  1. Had Adam Lanza known that he could get in trouble for bringing a gun near a school, he never would have done it.
  2. The armed policeman at the front entrance of the school could have stopped Lanza and arrested him for having a gun.
  3. Since most people live within two miles of a school, it will effectively end the Second Amendment.
  4. Criminals will then know that they can enter anyone’s house or business, and not have to worry about the residents defending themselves. This would be a huge help for many Obama voters, who have had to think twice before breaking and entering.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Biden To Recommend New School Zone Penalties

  1. kbray in california says:

    Test the idea first by not having a gun within two miles of The vice-president.
    See how that plays out.

  2. Lou says:

    DUMB! Brand new elementary school will be built half mile from me. Is dumbass Biden saying we can’t have guns in the house that close to schools? So… whenever Obama visits a school, does his armed protection team leave guns in the tank cars? There’s always one set of rules for us and one set of rules for them. That’s why I hate Democrat Party.

  3. Gamecock says:

    Since a bullet from a rifle can travel 4 miles, I think to be safe we should make it 10 miles.

    It’s for the children.

    Biden’s gibberish sounds like the blanket Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, overturned by the Supremes in United States v. Alfonso Lopez, Jr.

    BTW, the act was modified by Congress in 1995, and remains in effect. It appears as if Biden is going to fiercely lobby for what already exists.


  4. zip adee says:

    “This would be a huge help for many Obama voters, who have had to think twice before breaking and entering.” Just another way to redistribute the wealth; material wealth in this case.

  5. gator69 says:

    Joe Biden lives in a brain free zone.

  6. oeman50 says:

    I can count at least 9 schools within a 2 miles radius of my house. And, if you think about it, most schools are near the most heavily populated parts of any locality. I bet this would disarm over 50% (just a SWAG) of the US population. It’s only 2 miles…

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