California School District Protecting Their Children

A $1,000 investment which reduces the possibility of someone attempting a massacre to almost zero. No storm troopers, no marshal law, no wannabee dictators, no invading US cities – just common sense.

FONTANA, Calif. (AP) — The high-powered semiautomatic rifles recently shipped to school police in this Southern California city look like they belong on a battlefield rather than in a high school, but officials here say the weapons could help stop a massacre like the one that claimed the lives of 26 students and educators in Connecticut just weeks ago.

Fontana Unified School District police purchased 14 of the Colt LE6940 rifles last fall, and they were delivered the first week of December — a week before the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Over the holiday break, the district’s 14 school police officers received 40 hours of training on the rifles. Officers check them out for each shift from a fireproof safe in the police force’s main office.

Fontana isn’t the first district to try this. Other Southern California districts also have rifle programs — some that have been in operation for several years. Fontana school police Chief Billy Green said he used money from fingerprinting fees to purchase the guns for $14,000 after identifying a “critical vulnerability” in his force’s ability to protect students. The officers, who already wear sidearms, wouldn’t be able to stop a shooter like the one in Connecticut, he said Wednesday.

Fontana Unified School District gets high-powered rifles | The Daily Caller

If Obama had half a brain he would be listening to the NRA, who actually know something about guns.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to California School District Protecting Their Children

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Awesome way to do it. If some nut comes in planning to shoot everybody, they know that they themselves are going to be the target, hopefully quickly. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that this is the way to go.

  2. steve says:

    Thugs only understand a robust response….

    A reality the lunatic ( and historically murderous ) left wingers wont acknowledge – more guns = less crime.


  3. Chewer says:

    The progressive mind doesn’t care who died, its just the method of their demise that counts, especially when they can exploit it in such spectacular fashion!

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