Coloradans Terrified Of The Federal Government

The prospect of tighter gun laws has gun sales soaring and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation remains flooded with requests for background checks on buyers.

On a normal day a background check would take about 15 minutes, but the CBI is so backed up it’s been taking as much as eight days.

CBI spokesperson Susan Medina says their processors have been overwhelmed.

“When you look at a traditional day, a week, a month, a year; they come in in the morning, they work all day, and they go home at night, and the queue is at zero,” Medina said.

But as of Thursday afternoon they had 11,400 waiting to be processed. They’ve extended hours, brought in extra resources, but can’t keep up with the demand. It’s created a long wait time for gun buyers.

Gun Background Check Wait Times Remain Long In Colorado « CBS Denver

I was at a gun shop in Denver yesterday, which has sold all of their self-reloading rifles, and are completely out of .223/5.56 ammo. Two weeks ago they had about five hundred rifles. Prices for some have tripled at gun shows.

Feinstein and Obama believe that their job is to subjugate the American people, and take their money and freedom away.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Coloradans Terrified Of The Federal Government

  1. johnmcguire says:

    If those in charge were intelligent they would leave the gun issue alone . But they don’t seem very intelligent do they ? They do seem to be evil .

  2. Andy says:

    Why would people leave the gun issue alone ? The majority of the world is not leaving the issue alone, does not make the rest of the world evil or unintelligent.

    Things change over time, hence why you probably don’t wear a tricorn hat most days of the week.


  3. Andy says:

    “Feinstein and Obama believe that their job is to subjugate the American people, and take their money and freedom away”

    Yeah right. You’ve just spent all that money on guns instead. That will teach Obama to try and take it away.

    You rightwingers go on and on about the federal government and yet none of you would move abroad and still think the US of A is the best, and by far the best, country on earth. Go figure.



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