Colorado Murder Rate Down 40% Since The “Assault Weapons” Ban Was Lifted

ScreenHunter_18 Jan. 25 21.02

Colorado Crime Rates 1960 – 2011

We have a very safe state, largely due to a well armed populace. Scumbags on both coasts want to take our safety and security away from us.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Colorado Murder Rate Down 40% Since The “Assault Weapons” Ban Was Lifted

  1. Wyguy says:

    “From my cold dead hands”

  2. Chewer says:

    It’s simply DRB syndrome haunting the left (Dirty Rotten BassTurds)…
    I’ll stand by the 10 gauge (my Brown bear equalizer when they’re in the yard destroying stuff in early October – every year) and ye ole 300 Weatherby Magnum, the 454 Casull (450 gr. rounds) and the handy 444 Marlin.
    Taking guns out of the hands of the populace is a dream for the progressive mind, but as a nation we are a bit different than say the Australians, especially in the interior of Alaska and our Heartland.
    Slick Willy had some advice for his party and they know he wasn’t joking.

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