Des Moines Register Calls For Murder And Violence

“I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control,”

Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.

• Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.”

Des Moines Register publishes gun-ban column advocating deadly violence against NRA, GOP leaders | Fox News

Last week, peaceful lefties were calling for climate skeptics to be murdered.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to Des Moines Register Calls For Murder And Violence

  1. johnmcguire says:

    That is a good example of why the forefathers worded the second amendment as they did . Let’s pray the idiots don’t try to execute that idea as the blood bath would be horrendous . Obama might try to ban some guns but I don’t think he can find enough idiots to vote for it .

    • TonyO of Aust says:

      ” Obama might try to ban some guns but I don’t think he can find enough idiots to vote for it .”
      We are now living in the Age of the Regulators – I am sure he (O) could make the process so long, involved and convoluted as to discourage the purchase of guns, as well as taxes, fees etc to make the present ownership of guns prohibitively expensive.

  2. Andy says:

    The second amendment is very badly worded actually. They seem to have thrown lots of commas at it. It seems to be talking about 2 things, militias and the individual, but they do it all in one long sentence.

    It’s not exactly Dickens or Wordsworth is it ?


    • ‘the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed’

      • Andy says:

        A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

        That does not trip off the tongue does it. The mere fact that people are still arguing about it today and the supreme court keeps having to get invovled shows that.


      • ‘the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed’

      • TonyO of Aust says:

        I am NOT a Constitutional student, but my reading of that sentence indicates 2 parts:

        “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,” – a formal militia to protect the States from Federal or external tyranny, and

        “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,” – a separate issue – the arming of the people, ostensibly to protect against the tyranny of the State, both of which:

        “shall not be infringed.” Pretty straightforward, I would have thought.

      • Yeah, it sounds pretty airtight to me, too, but remember how these geniuses have interpreted such equivocal language as, “Congress shall make no law…”

      • TonyO of Aust says:

        Andy “The mere fact that people are still arguing about it today and the supreme court keeps having to get invovled shows that.”

        Actually, it doesn’t show that at all. What it does show is that there has been on-going efforts by the lefties/progressives to overturn the Constitution and disarm the American people.

      • Jason Calley says:

        Here is another sentence that is constructed to be completely analogous to the Second Amendment: “A well-informed electorate, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and read books, shall not be infringed.”

        Note what it says. The “electorate” is a certain subset of the people at large. Having a well-informed electorate is so very important and so crucial to the security of a nation, that all people (and not just members of the electorate) may NOT have their right to access books infringed. It does not say that only the electorate may keep books, it says that the right of all people to keep books may not be diminished.

        This is very clear — exactly as clear as the Second Amendment. Note that the Second Amendment does not even say that while the Federal government may not infringe those rights, that the States may. It is clear. The right to arms of ALL people may not be infringed. Period. Not by the Feds, not by the State, not by the County or even the City Council. Not infringed, period.

        This is very clear — but then again, I grew up in a time when English proficiency was valued and diagramming sentence structure had not faded into a mythical legend.

    • Me says:

      It’s only badly worded to the leftist mind set.

    • Streetcred says:

      The commas are, in fact, strategically placed and convey a precise meaning. It is clear that the intention was for the right of the citizenry to bear arms against any attempt at dictatorship. The right to bear arms balances the arms of the dictator. Remember that when you think of the oppressed of this world.

    • Justa Joe says:

      libz will invent a way to argue about anything that they don’t like. libzu even invent things that aren’t even in the Constitution when it suits them.

  3. NikFromNYC says:

    Their bluff has been called after they put all their eggs in the Global Warming basket for two decades, and now in panic mode, hysterical as can be, they vote for direct tyranny. As “Hope & Change,” a Marxist/hippie utopian ideal turns into a double dip recession, anger consumes them. That means we are winning!

  4. ralphcramdo says:

    I always enjoy reading the comments of peace loving people such as the ones in this Fox story.

  5. Ivan says:

    The Des Moines Register backed Romney.
    This article is just sucking dick (first of many, I suspect) to ingratiate themselves after picking the loser.

  6. philjourdan says:

    The peaceful liberals again speak. Yet they never speak of peace, only violence.

  7. jst1 says:

    The wording is argued by people who disagree with the words.

  8. Andy DC says:

    In this country, you are supposed to either abide by the Constitution or amend it in the prescribed fashion. Now we have cafeteria Consitutionalists, you abide by the parts you like and ignore the rest. That is not the way it is supposed to work.

  9. kirkmyers says:

    The people are the militia.

    Gun confiscation only disaarms law-abiding citizens, making them vunerable to criminals both inside and outside of government. It is a totalitarian’s dream come true. Without the Second Amendment, the other amendments are worthless.

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