England Is Experiencing The Coldest Weather In The Last 5,000 Years

H.H Lamb published this in 1966. The hockey stick occurred 5,000 years before Michael $10,000 Mann was born.

ScreenHunter_26 Jan. 23 19.06


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to England Is Experiencing The Coldest Weather In The Last 5,000 Years

  1. Andy DC says:

    Unlike the clowns Mann and Hansen, Lamb was a genuine scientist, as was Dr. Willett from MIT. Willett correctly forecast the cold period from 1960-80. He said the late 70’s were going to be extremely cold, a period of “climatic stress”, which also proved to be accurate. He also said that temperatures were going the rebound in late 20th century, which they did. Willett’s forecasts had nothing to do with CO2. I believe he used sunspot cyles.

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