Feinstein Hoping To Turn The US Over To Gangs With Illegal Guns

Illegal guns are wrecking US cities, so Diane Feinstein wants to disarm the honest people

Last week Chicago marked its 500 homicide this year. “The city has seen its 500th homicide for 2012, a tragic number that is reflective of the gang violence and proliferation of illegal guns that have plagued some of our neighborhoods,” said Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy in a statement last week.

“Every homicide in Chicago is unacceptable to me and the hardworking men and women of the Chicago Police Department, who, this year, achieved a record drop in overall crime throughout our city.”

Report: 532 Murdered in Chicago in 2012 | The Weekly Standard

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Feinstein Hoping To Turn The US Over To Gangs With Illegal Guns

  1. Bob Honiker says:

    They never mention the proliferation of the barbarian culture that is driving most violent crime. We are expected to believe that without guns the gangbangers would all find God and become altar boys.

  2. Ivan says:

    The heading should read:
    “Feinstein Hoping To Turn The US Over To Democrat Voters”

  3. ralphcramdo says:

    “proliferation of illegal guns”. So guns are illegal in Chicago but they are still proliferating. From that statement a rationally sane person should see that banning gun doesn’t work.

  4. Hmmm says:

    Just been two shootings in the city i live in in sheffield england


    Not bad for the country with the tightest Gun controls anywhere.

  5. peterh says:

    Feinstein is a criminal traitor, with greater allegiance to China and Israel than to the U.S.

    It should be glaringly obvious that nearly everyone who has been in Congress or the Presidency recently is hell bent on destroying this nation.

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