Fires In Colorado

A couple of fires in Colorado were used to prove global warming last year, and were mentioned by the community disorganizer in chief on Monday.

I live two miles away from one of those fires. Fire is an essential part of the pine forest cycle. Colorado’s most prominent pine species (Lodgepole Pine) can’t exist without regular fires. People who build houses in the middle of pine forest can safely assume that they are eventually going to burn down.

FOREST FIRES IN COLORADO. – People in Northwest Part of the State Said to be Fleeing for Their Lives — Loss Will Be Enormous. – View Article –

Spokane Falls Daily Chronicle June 25, 1890

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Fires In Colorado

  1. gator69 says:

    Wildfires are harmless when CO2 levels are lower.

    • kbray in california says:

      We just need to dilute our CO2 emissions with nitrogen, bringing the CO2 ppm lower, thus making wildfires safe. And the liquid nitrogen would cool the atmosphere too.
      There is always a solution if you believe in the power of CO2.
      Just Believe.

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