Five Hour Energy

Marathon death: coroner warns of danger of legal stimulants

A coroner warned today of the dangers of a legal stimulant as it emerged that a runner who collapsed and died during the London marathon had taken the drug in a bid to boost her performance.

Claire Squires, 30, suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed in Birdcage Walk near Buckingham Palace, a few hundred metres from the finish line.

An inquest into her death heard that she had purchased a popular powder supplement called Jack3d which contained DMAA (dimethylamine), a drug that has similar properties to amphetamines and is said to boost energy, concentration and metabolism.

Marathon death: coroner warns of danger of legal stimulants – Telegraph

One of the slimiest commercials I have seen was Five Hour Energy pretending that they were endorsed by 4,000 doctors – after distributing a survey where the doctors responded to a question about low calorie vs. high calorie supplements.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Five Hour Energy

  1. gator69 says:

    She would have been better off sitting on a sofa eating Cheetos. Running is for escaping danger.

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    Steve – You are correct and I agree.
    I would never recommend people take this crap, including prior to a marathon (of which I’ve run 21).

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