Fort Collins Schools Implement Sandy Hook Security Plan

The Poudre School District has just put in place the same security procedures which were present at Sandy Hook on the day of the massacre.

A single point of entry to the school (many of which were recently retrofitted through the 2010 Bond)

·         All exterior doors locked with the exception of the front entrance

The Sandy Hook front entrance was locked

·         Physical monitoring of front entrance by a staff member during school hours

·         Security video cameras at each school (many of which will be enhanced through the 2010 Bond)

This will allow them to later identify the perpetrator

·         Sign-in procedures for all visitors with identifying badges

·         Lock-down and lock-out drills that are routinely practiced at each school

·         Emergency response training for staff

·         Ongoing heightened awareness of safety issues by building leaders

·         Members of the PSD mental health team are available to assist with student issues

Schools need armed personnel, just like banks and office buildings. Gun free zones are an invitation for psychos

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Fort Collins Schools Implement Sandy Hook Security Plan

  1. Sundance says:

    My schools have all that plus armed police. Hospitals have armed security too.

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