Global Warming Hits The NFL

ScreenHunter_393 Jan. 12 08.16

Weather Forecast Denver, CO | Denver Weather | Wunderground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Global Warming Hits The NFL

  1. Andy DC says:

    Are they going to cancel the game because people now are such wusses?

  2. PhilJourdan says:

    Now THAT is my kind of football weather!

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    And for Pasadena CA the forecast is for it to go down to 30°F tonight. Only rarely ever does it go below freezing. And it’s been real cold all winter. To bad there’s not going to be any precipitation; I”m told we haven’t had any widespread significant snow in the LA area since 1947 when half a foot or so fell.

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