Global Warming Strikes San Diego

NOAA says that man-made CO2 has overheated the atmosphere over the eastern US (mysteriously missing the rest of the world.)

ScreenHunter_394 Jan. 12 15.39

Californians Deal With Freezing Temps, Snow – ABC News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Global Warming Strikes San Diego

  1. This is not a mystery if you’re a climate scientist + media whore. Everything is explicable post hoc ergo propter hoc.

  2. Oh, by the way, I don’t remember what thread this was, within the last day or so, but someone was complaining about a rather long post vanishing without posting. There were a couple of suggestions, I think, but the easiest thing is just to do a copy of the post, and if it vanishes, paste back in. Ctrl-A selects everything in the box, then Ctrl-C to copy — one hand, one finger movement.

  3. kbray in california says:

    Average monthly temperatures range from 57.3 °F (14.1 °C) in January to 72.5 °F (22.5 °C) in August…
    Snow and ice are rare in the wintertime, typically occurring only inland from the coast when present.
    The record high temperature at the National Weather Service office in San Diego of 111 °F (44 °C) was on September 26, 1963.
    The record low temperature was 25 °F (?4 °C) on January 7, 1913.

    After 100 years of Global Warming by man :

    January 12, 2013 Freeze Warning for San Diego:

    Freeze Warning remains in effect until 8 am PST Sunday.
    Location: All valleys.
    Temperatures: minimum temperatures 21 to 31.
    Duration, more than 11 hours of below freezing temperatures tonight with 6 to 9 hours of temperatures below 28 degrees in wind sheltered locations.
    Impacts: Sensitive Plants and crops may be damaged or killed if unprotected.

    Yes, definitely a bad case of Global Warming.

    Climate scientist liars belong in prison.

  4. phodges says:

    Ha. -6F overnight at my house, 4F now at 5:30. Closest weather station to here CRVC1 had -15 and -17 last two nights.

    Although it was this cold or colder for two whole weeks in December, funny how it’s suddenly in the news now.

  5. william says:

    Well we all know the climate is cooling fact parts eastern USA is not the only ones Britain is to see snow and low temperatures but I have my money Ireland will not see drop of snow for a second year running but I know its natural not some made up bull that man is the cause Stevem keep up the good work people need to know the truth about climate not some nut job sniffing his or hers mums dirty pantys or on crack god bless

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