Hansen : Earth To Bake By 2006, Flooding, Death And Misery

ScreenHunter_322 Dec. 04 20.40

ScreenHunter_322 Dec. 04 20.41 ScreenHunter_323 Dec. 04 20.41 ScreenHunter_324 Dec. 04 20.41

The Press-Courier – Jun 11, 1986

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Hansen : Earth To Bake By 2006, Flooding, Death And Misery

  1. Streetcred says:

    Time to schedule all of these alarmist predictions and call these a-holes to account for their BS.

  2. gator69 says:

    I never realized that we did so much baking in greenhouses. Silly me, I thought plants grew better in a greenhouse.

  3. Andy DC says:

    In 1986, the state of climate science was that evil manmade greenhouse gasses makes it hot. Now, with great advances in the climate models, we now know that greenhouse gasses can make it both hot and cold. That makes them doubly dangerous!

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