How About Diet Change?

ScreenHunter_155 Jan. 10 15.39

A somber Obama says “thanks for the October Surprise election boost!. Hurricanes are hilarious, eh?”

TRENTON — In case anyone had any doubts on where Gov. Chris Christie stands on climate change, he made his position crystal clear this afternoon: It’s real and it’s a problem.

Daily Kos: Chris Christie on Climate Change

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to How About Diet Change?

  1. suyts says:

    Apparently, this beached whale is who the Dems want Repubs to run. Given the history, the Repubs will run this buffoon. They’ll be doing it without conservative votes though.

    Congrats on your Fox news quotes!

    Well done!

  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    He’s gone nowhere but downhill from the time he first gained notoriety. There’s very little conservative about him.

  3. leftinbrooklyn says:

    ‘In case anyone had any doubts on where Gov. Chris Christie stands on climate change, he made his position crystal clear this afternoon: It’s real and it’s a problem.’

    No, the money for it is real, and it’s a problem.

  4. jimash1 says:

    Regardless I am glad we are out of RGGI.
    New Jersey could only get squeezed by the regional greenhouse gas initiative.
    If nothing else the population density would prevent us from ever coming out ahead on such a money-down-the-rabbit-hole scheme.

  5. R. de Haan says:

    Chris Christy is a traitor. Never took him serious at any moment in time. Same goes for Obama.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Very nice to see that consequent blogging pushing the short message carrying bear essential and to the point information finally reaches the masses through Fox News. Congratutions for your relentless effort and your unique style.

  7. If you read his statements carefully you’ll note that they are sufficiently vague as to be agreed upon both by a rabid alarmist and a hardcore sceptic. So spoken like a true politician.

  8. Ivan says:

    Hmmm…except the originals were funny.

  9. Mike Mangan says:

    I’ve completely changed my mind on that sonofabitch. I don’t want to see a Republican with his hand on Obama’s back. I want to see it on his throat.

  10. rw says:

    What really floors me in all this, is that we’re not even close to a doubling of CO2. We have a possible 33% increase and, supposedly, the windows are rattling and the doors are coming off the hinges. In this context, their reactions alone demonstrate that this is a social hysteria and a fraud (whatever the status of the AGW hypothesis).

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