How Obama/Feinstein Plan To End The Second Amendment

  • Step one – ban gun sales and demand registration of existing legal guns. They will call this reasonable and prudent.
  • Step two – later note that gun crime has increased since implementation of step one, and say that Americans simply can’t be trusted with guns
  • Step three – get one more radical leftie on the Supreme Court
  • Step four – ban and attempt to confiscate all guns owned by their political opposition

This is essentially the same strategy as was effectively used by their kindred souls in Russia and Germany during the early part of the last century.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to How Obama/Feinstein Plan To End The Second Amendment

  1. nigelf says:

    Many Democrats own firearms and sanity and logic will prevail here.This effort will lose steam fast even within his own party.

  2. tckev says:

    “President Obama announces he is appointing Vice President Joe Biden to craft new policies within the next month to curb gun violence.President Obama announces he is appointing Vice President Joe Biden to craft new policies within the next month to curb gun violence.

    The White House and gun control supporters are gearing up for a whirlwind month, with plans to pass reform legislation before outrage over the Sandy Hook massacre has a chance to fade.”

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