If The Arctic Ocean Was Ice-Free – The Coldest Air Coming From There Would Be -2C

CNN claims that the Arctic is ice free, and that -30C air in Minnesota came from the Arctic.

The meteorologist who made these claims is incompetent to be discussing science. If the Arctic Ocean was ice-free, the minimum possible average temperature would be the freezing point of seawater. If that  air traveled south and mixed with tropical air, it would then have to be warmer than -2C.

The only way that such cold air would be moving south is if the Arctic is covered with ice.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to If The Arctic Ocean Was Ice-Free – The Coldest Air Coming From There Would Be -2C

  1. Me says:

    Pretty much, and all that frozen land up there too, it would be milder if the ocean was Ice free.

  2. kbray in california says:

    Can anyone explain the physics involved in how it’s going to get milder up there with no sun for six months.

  3. Chewer says:

    The North Atlantic is looking like trouble for the Cult membership!
    The winds of change look to be bringing a chilly outlook for millions more…

  4. As I sit in Germany shivering at -9*C by day and colder at night, I’m guessing that one reason this nitwit thinks the Arctic is “ice free” is that there has been almost no reference to the return of the ice following the announcements – in breathless voices of horror – that 2012 had the lowest EVER ice coverage of the Arctic ocean and the Greenland Ice Cap had gone into “meltdown.” The media seem to have ‘skated over’ the fact that by November the ice extent was increasing rapidly.

    The problem these guys have is that they believe their own hype.

  5. Andy DC says:

    The cold that affects the US does not normally form over the Arctic Ocean. It forms over the vast snow covered Canadian landmass between 50-70 degrees north. It will be a long, long time before the Arctic Ocean is not frozen in winter, even given climate change, so it is a moot point anyhow.

  6. tckev says:

    …”that air traveled south and mixed with tropical air, it would then have to be warmer than -2C.” Well obviously from atmospheric CO2’s IR ‘back radiation’ beaming down has helped!

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