In 1980, Americans Were Smart Enough To Not Re-Elect Jimmy Carter

But that was before the Obamaphone

Fewer than four-in-10 Americans (39 percent) rate the US in a positive manner – the most negative feedback the country has produced since 1979.

A new Gallup poll finds that Americans are as negative about the country’s prospects as they have been in more than three decades.

Gallup: American Optimism Hits Lowest Point Since Carter Administration « CBS DC


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to In 1980, Americans Were Smart Enough To Not Re-Elect Jimmy Carter

  1. suyts says:

    It’s my understanding that even the Obamaphone lady won’t vote for him today. But, for the most part, America voted to preserve the gravy train. …. so scared, so unsure of themselves….. their votes were acts of cowardice. I am ashamed of my countrymen.

  2. crosspatch says:

    I saw her on a recent interview. She seems to be no fan of Obama at this point. But it was on something of an oddball show (Alex Jones).

  3. gator69 says:

    “The United States Department of Education, also referred to as ED or the ED for (the) Education Department, is a Cabinet-level department of the United States government. Recreated by the Department of Education Organization Act (Public Law 96-88) and signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on October 17, 1979, it began operating on May 4, 1980.”

    Nuff said.

  4. crosspatch says:

    Romney never said what you claim he said. You are repeating the meme that the Obama campaign tried to twist his words into meaning. What Romney was explaining (at a campaign dinner with financial donors, not in a public speech) was that a campaign message of lower taxes message was not going to gain any traction with the 47% of the voters who don’t pay any taxes and that the lower taxes issue wasn’t aimed at them ( he didn’t care about those people responding to that aspect of his campaign message). We didn’t get a chance to see exactly what the question was that he was responding to that brought that subject up so we couldn’t see it in context.

    The Obama campaign did a very good job of vilifying Romney. They turned him into someone who laughs when your wife gets cancer which is exactly the opposite of the sort of man he is. You fell for it, Will. There has probably never been a better qualified candidate ever run for President by either party than Romney. He was exactly what we needed at exactly when we needed him. America was stupid for not electing him.

    Romney’s problem was he didn’t give the “fire and brimstone” emotional speeches or elicit tears when he spoke. What America really said by not voting for Romney was they don’t want well-qualified candidates, they want professional politicians. Romney isn’t a politician. He doesn’t give speeches like one does. His fault is with the emotional aspect of his campaigning. He just didn’t have that. He is probably the best human being and the smartest man to ever run for the office with exactly the required skill set but he couldn’t give a Reagan-esque speech. People don’t want good people, they want politicians.

    • Romney’s problem was TS Sandy, combined with Candy and Christie putting on kneepads for Obama on national television.

      • gator69 says:

        Romney’s problem is also our problem. Our media, our academia, and our culture. All have been taken over by leftists. That’s why I posted the birth of our statist indoctrination system above.

      • crosspatch says:

        There’s a lot there but something still bothers me about the polling I was looking it. First was that both Gallup and Rasmussen had the expected poll turnout to be slightly R to even. More like a 2004 electorate than a 2008 electorate. Turned out that it was a D+6 turnout at the polls. Second thing was practically everyone was polling Romney winning independent voters by double digits. If EITHER ONE of those predictions held true on election day, then Romney would have won. Had both held true, he would have won comfortably. Republicans didn’t turn out at the polls. I don’t think that had anything to do with Sandy.

  5. ducdorleans says:

    it’s way too soo to elect Reagan II …

    if we want it to be better in 10 years, it will first have to be worse in 5 …

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