It Is The Drugs, Stupid

All of the recent mass murderers were on psychiatric medications. The communist news network and White House aren’t interested in stopping murders, they just want an excuse to take guns away from other Americans.

But where, I’d like to ask my colleagues in the media, is the reporting about the psychiatric medications the perpetrator – who had been under treatment for mental-health problems – may have been taking? After all, Mark and Louise Tambascio, family friends of the shooter and his mother, were interviewed on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” during which Louise Tambascio told correspondent Scott Pelley: “I know he was on medication and everything, but she homeschooled him at home cause he couldn’t deal with the school classes sometimes, so she just homeschooled Adam at home. And that was her life.” And here, Tambascio tells ABC News, “I knew he was on medication, but that’s all I know.”

As I documented in “How Evil Works,” it is simply indisputable that most perpetrators of school shootings and similar mass murders in our modern era were either on – or just recently coming off of – psychiatric medications:

The giant, gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to It Is The Drugs, Stupid

  1. Traitor In Chief says:

    If the progtards weren’t focused on guns, they’d be blaming white bread, Beef, or commercially produced veggies. Either that, or processed food.

  2. Tel says:

    One look into the goggle eyes of that batman killer — you know something freaking weird is going on. That guy still thinks he is just acting in a movie.

    Brave new world of science huh? Try to keep up. I’m running as fast as I can, just to stay in the same place.

  3. NikFromNYC says:

    A little knowledge is dangerous: due to the Drug War, safe and effective psych meds have can not be developed since psychoactive drug testing in eager human volunteers is the kiss of death of an academic career in science and big pharma are under similar pressure to ignore any psych meds that act as possible recreational drugs. So you only have drugs that remove the natural safety shutdown of depression and anxiety, producing hoards of energized psychos with none of the profound spiritual grounding afforded by trippy drugs. The drug ecstasy would likely thaw guys like mass killers out over time if it was offered in competent fashion as their anti-depressant cocktails started kicking in. What happens instead, now, such people buy ecstasy on the street and it actually contains, most of the time, the hard-ride hallucinogen MDA that crazy people should not be taking.

    Outer space is a desert. The moon stinks like an ashtray. The Drug War took away the biggest and most profoundly interesting frontier of all: how the brain works. Thus, now that physics is just making slightly faster smart phones and has otherwise lost its way in string theory, the very best people, the maniacs, no longer pursue science at all so you are left with careerists, merely, none willing to even look at Global Warming theory for fear of seeming to be too radical.

  4. They had problems with drugs in Old Testament times, too. Didn’t end well for Israel then.

  5. I’m betting all the people who died from infections in hospitals were on antibiotics.

    • ” there is also an established direct link between suicide and violent behaviour and the use of SSRIs.”

    • Andy OZ says:

      I can vouch for that Steve. Most antidepressants have the side effect of making the patient suicidal, which is well known in mental health departments and hospitals. They give the patient psychotropic drugs and then ask them constantly whether they feel suicidal!!! Then they change the cocktail of drugs they give them to see what happens!
      I have a number of close friends are going through this now because they are convinced by M.D’s to do so.

      I wouldn’t touch that shit with a 40 foot barge pole.

      • So you don’t think there is a link between depression and suicide then? (One study I recall suggested that nearly 50% of people who suffer from depression contemplate suicide.)

      • Andy OZ says:

        I’m not qualified, Will, despite studying psychology at Uni, to make a comment on that connection. Observation would suggest highly likely, but then what caused the depression in the first place? Unsatisfactory life conditions? Brain concussions? Could be anything.
        I was and am much more concerned when my friends became much, much worse once they started the cocktails of drugs the psych doctors and GP’s put them on.

        Give up the dead end job, and go sit on a beach somewhere for a couple of months would be a better therapy in my mind. But they must listen to the “authoratative” voices rather than family or friends. It’s tough to watch but in the end, it’s their life.

      • There is a huge difference between unhappiness and depression.

  6. TeaPartyGeezer says:

    I’m no expert, but I would be more inclined to think that they were on the drugs BECAUSE they were crazy … rather than the drugs drove them crazy. Also, the fact that they were on drugs and went into homicidal bat-sh*t crazy mode anyway, is more of an argument for getting these people institutionalized. Obviously, depending on a crazy person to take their meds appropriately isn’t working.

    That’s an oversimplified argument for a complex problem. Plus, next thing you know, those pesky congress critters will pass legislation on how to treat the mentally ill. That would be a dangerous road to go down. Every time congress gets involved in solving a problem, they screw it up and make things worse. Lest we forget, there are those who advocate for institutionalizing ‘climate skeptics.’

    • johnmcguire says:

      I agree with you , and I would add that from personal observation of some family members that psychiatric medication can seem to push some people over the edge . On the other hand the psychiatric medication seems to be effective in the case of another family member . The side effects are undesirable in my opinion though . It is sad to see bright young minds zombified by medication .

  7. Steve R W says:

    G’day Steve.
    We had our own serial killer and mass murderer in Australia called Martin Bryant. Posting for FYI purposes. Please don’t hold it against me.(:

    Drugs and psychiatry have a history.

    Mass murder in Australia: Tavistock’s Martin Bryant

    “In 1969, Dax left his prestigious, highly influential position in Melbourne to go to the isolated state of Tasmania, an island of some 300,000 people. A prominent U.S. psychiatrist who specializes in ritual abuse, and who is intimately familiar with Australian psychiatry over the past three decades, when queried by this news service as to why in the world Dax would move to Tasmania, replied: “Tasmania is the Appalachia of Australia. There is a lot of alcoholism, a lot of incest. It is the poorest of all the states, very primitive, with a lot of descendants from very violent criminals from the British days. You will find many people there with no value system, no super-ego. It is the perfect place for Manchurian candidates, and for all sorts of experiments. He could do whatever he wanted there.”

  8. Steve R W says:

    Steve, i should add. It was this massacre that changed the gun laws in Australia. Now we have have home invasions as par for the course in OZ.

    We can’t even legally own pepper spray. ( I stand corrected )

  9. squid2112 says:

    I think a lot of people forget that most of the time the best “medication” can simply be human interaction. It is sad that we are becoming evermore such a detached society. “eh, give’em a pill” .. or “just turn on the TV for them”. Anything to detach from actual interaction. I see this with our neighbor who has a “special needs” child. Seems that most of the time they just want to get away from the situation. I understand that it can be difficult for them to contend with, I get that, I really do, but life is a bitch, buck up and take the responsibility to remain engaged, no matter how difficult, because the alternative is…? … exactly…

    Sad, very sad.

    • Depends on the extent of the illness. In some cases you can avoid medications for diabetes if you’re prepared to exercise and diet. In some cases, you should be doing that and still need medications.

  10. peterh says:

    What this guy said…worthy of a guest post IMHO

    NikFromNYC says:
    January 7, 2013 at 6:20 am

    A little knowledge is dangerous: due to the Drug War, safe and effective psych meds have can not be developed since psychoactive drug testing in eager human volunteers is the kiss of death of an academic career in science and big pharma are under similar pressure to ignore any psych meds that act as possible recreational drugs. So you only have drugs that remove the natural safety shutdown of depression and anxiety, producing hoards of energized psychos with none of the profound spiritual grounding afforded by trippy drugs. The drug ecstasy would likely thaw guys like mass killers out over time if it was offered in competent fashion as their anti-depressant cocktails started kicking in. What happens instead, now, such people buy ecstasy on the street and it actually contains, most of the time, the hard-ride hallucinogen MDA that crazy people should not be taking.

    Outer space is a desert. The moon stinks like an ashtray. The Drug War took away the biggest and most profoundly interesting frontier of all: how the brain works. Thus, now that physics is just making slightly faster smart phones and has otherwise lost its way in string theory, the very best people, the maniacs, no longer pursue science at all so you are left with careerists, merely, none willing to even look at Global Warming theory for fear of seeming to be too radical.

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