Journal News Goes Full Hypocrisy

The hypocrisy of left wing scum knows no bounds.

The Journal News made the decision last week to endanger everyone in the several counties, by publishing a map showing the name and  location of all registered gun owners. Almost half of these were ex-police who needed to defend themselves from criminals they had put in jail at one time or another. Many others were victims of domestic violence trying to hide from the perpetrators.

The newspaper received a very negative reaction to their unbelievably scummy behavior, are now imagining they are getting threats – and have brought guns into their building to protect themselves from an imaginary threat.

Guns are good for the goose but NOT for the gander.

A Clarkstown police report issued on December 28, 2012, confirmed that The Journal News has hired armed security guards from New City-based RGA Investigations and that they are manning the newspaper’s Rockland County headquarters at 1 Crosfield Ave., West Nyack, through at least tomorrow, Wednesday, January 2, 2013.

According to police reports on public record, Journal News Rockland Editor Caryn A. McBride was alarmed by the volume of “negative correspondence,” namely an avalanche of phone calls and emails to the Journal News office, following the newspaper’s publishing of a map of all pistol permit holders in Rockland and Westchester.

Due to apparent safety concerns, the newspaper then decided to hire RGA Investigations to provide armed personnel to man the location.

Private investigator Richard Ayoob is the administrator of RGA. He told the Clarkstown Police on Friday, December 28 that there had been no problems on site at the Journal News headquarters despite the massive influx of phone calls and emails.

McBride had filed at least two reports with the Clarkstown Police Department due to perceived threats. However, the police did not find the communications in question actually threatening. Incident-Report 2012-00033099 describes McBride telling police she was worried because an email writer wondered “what McBride would get in her mail now.”

Police said the email “did not constitute an offense” and did not contain an actual threat.

The Journal News is Armed and Dangerous | The Rockland County Times

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Journal News Goes Full Hypocrisy

  1. TomC says:

    The far more scarier angle of this story I’ve heard not a soul mention is, through omission, criminals now know where the guns aren’t.

  2. Andy OZ says:

    Hypocrisy seems to be the common denominator for left wing journos. Next they’ll demand armored transport to get to the office and back.
    Why didn ‘t they also publish the addresses of all dog owners and homes with alarms, and they would have given the criminals the perfect shopping list!!!
    Turnips have more nuerons firing!!!

  3. Perfekt says:

    It is clear that left wing nutters consider all communication that is not in line with their delusional thinking is offensive. Aussie “climatologists” thought that emails pointing out their mistakes and mentioning of kangaroo culling were death threats.

  4. ralphcramdo says:

    Paranoia will annoy ya.

  5. papiertigre says:

    In California there would be a class action lawsuit, with who knows how many gun owners joining.
    I don’t know what they do in New York.

  6. Kaboom says:

    If I was running a gun store in the area I’d send her some flowers. Sales must be through the roof now for previous non-armed households that don’t want to face burglars naked now that those have a map of where to find the easy loot.

  7. Blade says:

    Steve, you have got to see this story which is making the rounds in local newspapers up here …

    Putnam County officials, who say they will refuse a newspaper’s request to release the names and addresses of residents with pistol permits, would break state law by withholding the data, a state official said.

    The opinion, of state Committee on Open Government Executive Director Robert Freeman, came after an announcement Tuesday by state Sen. Greg Ball and two Putnam officials that they would refuse to release the data requested by The Journal News of White Plains, which sought the records under the state Freedom of Information Law.

    Ball was firm in his position. “I’m proud to stand with Putnam County and proud that Putnam won’t be releasing its pistol permit records,” he said in a statement released by his spokesman. “The asinine editors at the Journal News have gone out of their way to place a virtual scarlet letter on law abiding firearm owners throughout the region and I thank God that Putnam County has a clerk with the guts to stand up and draw the line here in Putnam County. This is clearly a violation of privacy, and needs to be corrected immediately. The same elitist eggheads who use their editorial page to coddle terrorists and criminals are now treating law-abiding citizens like level-three sexual predators. Every person with common sense should be offended…”

    Told of Freeman’s determination, Ball, in a statement, said, “The county clerk has my full support to protect these law abiding citizens and if The Journal News thinks they can intimidate Putnam, they are sorely mistaken. Before I waver, the egghead editors at the Journal News can kiss my white, Irish behind.”

    We got a new political hero in NY State.

  8. higley7 says:

    The Journal News idiots cannot tell honest law-abiding citizens expressing their opinions by word or voice from mentally challenged or criminals who express themselves through violence.

    In their minds, when a gun is placed in a person’s hand, they become mentally deranged and ready to shoot anybody in sight. Of course, this could be considered a case of transference and they are letting us know that they, at the Journal, should NEVER be allowed to hold a gun as they would not be able to control themselves and have to shoot people.

    So often, the libtards visit on us what they would do. They constantly label us racist, which clearly indicates that they are rabid racists themselves, regardless of our leanings. They telegraph their thoughts and inclinations.

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