Journal News Helping Get Guns In The Hands Of Criminals

The Journal News gave criminals everything they need to ramp up a major crime wave in New York.

A White Plains residence pinpointed on a controversial handgun permit database was burglarized Saturday, and the burglars’ target was the homeowner’s gun safe.

At least two burglars broke into a home on Davis Avenue at 9:30 p.m. Saturday but were unsuccessful in an attempt to open the safe, which contained legally owned weapons, according to a law enforcement source.

Journal News gun permit map used by burglars to target White Plains home?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Journal News Helping Get Guns In The Hands Of Criminals

  1. higley7 says:

    The Law of Intended Consequences. Sure, they legally could publish the information, but there is also the fact that the form in which they did so was with malicious intent. Now, that’s a litigious issue. Let the law suits commence!

    What award do we give the gun owner whose safe was of such quality that it kept the guns out of criminal hands? Nothing, because that’s what responsible adult gun owners do—we take proper precautions.

  2. Gamecock says:

    “which contained legally owned weapons”

    Legally owned guns. “Weapons” is one of many uses. Naturally, the twits-in-charge see all guns as “weapons.”

  3. Kaboom says:

    The DA should go after the editor as an accessory for pinpointing the loot.

  4. Sounds risky to me. Breaking into people’s home that the thief is armed. I cannot see this working out the way the media hoped. And I agree the media should be prosecuted for pointing out where the guns are. If any are stolen, the media should be prosecuted because they gave the address to the criminals.
    How about a list of people approving of gun control so thieves can skip stealing guns and just break into unarmed homeowner’s residences? It’s so much safer that way.

  5. peterh says:

    Charge those fuckers with conspiracy.

    Oh, I forgot…most DA’s are on the criminals side….

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