Journal News Puts New York’s Finest In Danger

Law enforcement officials from a New York region where a local paper published a map identifying gun owners say prisoners are using the information to intimidate guards.

Rockland County Sheriff Louis Falco, who spoke at a news conference flanked by other county officials, said the Journal News’ decision to post an online map of names and addresses of handgun owners Dec. 23 has put law enforcement officers in danger.

“They have inmates coming up to them and telling them exactly where they live. That’s not acceptable to me,” Falco said,

Robert Riley, an officer with the White Plains Police Department and president of its Patrolman’s Benevolent Association, agreed.

“You have guys who work in New York City who live up here. Now their names and addresses are out there, too,” he said adding that there are 8,000 active and retired NYPD officers currently living in Rockland County

Inmates using newspaper’s gun owner map to threaten guards, sheriff says | Fox News

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Journal News Puts New York’s Finest In Danger

  1. Me says:

    So is it true, Harry Reid and the Ooooo can bummmmmer care, have a restriction against gun control? BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry in advance, but if your a leftist, then not so much. And they voted for him yet again and they will get what they don’t want……. 😆 And Harry Reid too… BWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  2. Me says:

    World Jrs USA vs Sweden 8:00 AM eastern time, this morning for the Gold!

  3. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Here’s to hoping lawsuits kill the Journal News before their reporting kills an individual.

  4. Rosco says:

    How come freedom of information works when you want to discover essentially private details about law abiding citizens but completely fails when you ask a climate lier to justify his workings on producing fabricated graphs which the public paid him to do ????

    Even if he is a nobel laurete he is an employee of an organisation subject to FOI – nobel laurete ?? hahahahahahahahahaha

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