Live View Of Snow-Free Mt Snowdon

ScreenHunter_409 Jan. 18 07.07

Snowdon Webcam showing current snow conditions

Welsh children just won’t know what snow is.

Snowdon will be snow-free in 13 years, scientists warn

Thursday, 18 January 2007

Those who originally named the peak spoke as they probably found it, calling it “Snow Dun”, from the Saxon for “snow hill”. But Snowdon may lose its snow cover within 13 years as a result of climate change, Welsh scientists say.

Snow has been disappearing for some time from the peak, the highest in Britain south of the Highlands, but the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) disclosed that this winter’s accumulation is the lowest since records began 14 years ago. With only a couple of snowfalls this winter, the total depths measured are way down on previous years and, if the trend continues, any kind of the cover could disappear by 2020.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Live View Of Snow-Free Mt Snowdon

  1. Jambon-X says:

    CO2 is so powerful, it can cause a ‘thing of the past’ to become a ‘thing of the present’:

    “Heathrow cancels hundreds of flights, 10,000 homes without power and 2,000 schools closed as wall of snow sweeps across Britain”

  2. CheshireRed says:

    The Indy (and it’s lefty-liberal kindred-spirit cousin the Guardian) are sufering intense embarrassment at present, what with so much ‘global warming’ covering the entire UK. Just what they have been predicting WOULDN’T happen for all these years. Their silence is deafening.

    Keep turning the thumbscrew of humiliation Steve, they deserve every last twist.

    • rw says:

      If they really are, it would be an intriguing state of affairs for the following reason:

      Lately they’ve been pushing the line that AGW and Arctic melting will lead to “more severe” (I think that’s the phrase) winters in and about the UK. But when push comes to shove, and the weather turns cold and the snow falls, I suspect that it gets harder and harder to bang on about global warming no matter how clever and intricate your arguments are. I wonder if this sort of thing is playing a role.

  3. Andy DC says:

    London area children don’t even have to go to the mountains to see snow. They can just look out their window!

  4. The ol' Sea Dog. says:

    My friend takes marvellous photos of Snowdonia ( as the mountain range is called) Here’s an e.g. complete with snow…..

  5. Stephen Richards says:

    Ah hang on Steven. This is not fair. These are afterall welsh scientists.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    Children aren’t going to know who Dr David Viner is.

  7. Why is there a big paper clip in the picture?

  8. Andy OZ says:

    “Records began 14 years ago” in 1993? WTF.
    Yeah I’d carbon tax the world on the basis of that 14 year trend.
    After the last 3 winters I wonder how that trend is holding up.

  9. Andy OZ says:

    UK potato prices are up massively after too much rain wrecked the potato crop.
    UK obesity will fall dramatically as chips become a luxury item.
    Cold and wet weather in Europe have caused crop failures and thus food prices to skyrocket (Deutche Welle newscast)

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