Humans Have Already Set in Motion 69 Feet of Sea Level Rise
Glaciologist Jason Box describes a post-warming world that you won’t even be able to recognize.
Humans Have Already Set in Motion 69 Feet of Sea Level Rise | Mother Jones
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If sea level rise is a catastrophe is in the making, why have the millions of people living on the shore failed to notice any change at all? These alarmists have obviously smoked too much bad weed and seen way too many grade D scifi movies.
He should ask Al Capone Gore. I believe he has a house on the shore somewhere.
“Last week, a much discussed new paper in the journal Nature seemed to suggest to some that we needn’t worry too much about the melting of Greenland, the mile-thick mass of ice at the top of the globe. The research found that the Greenland ice sheet seems to have survived a previous warm period in Earth’s history—the Eemian period, some 126,000 years ago—without vanishing (although it did melt considerably).
But Ohio State glaciologist Jason Box isn’t buying it.”
From the know it all puppyhead Jason Box…
“Today, greenhouse gas concentrations are rising beyond 120% to 250% of peak Eemian values, driving today’s global warming…”
So clusterf*ck has done what noone else could, prove AGW.
Grantologist douchebag.
I pointed out to dickhead Box that the Greenland ice in 2012 was exactly on time for the well-known 150 year cycle of Greenland ice melts.
I suggested to him that his article, in the Guardian, asking for donations to fund further work was incompatible with this.
All very politely, with references as appropriate where required.
He didn’t reply.
Another doomsday alarm from the Religion of Global Warming. I hear his mentor is Harold Camping.
Glub, glub,glub.
On the YaleClimateForum YouTube video, I pointed out to Jason Box that his >1m sea level rise prediction by 2100 was an extreme outlier and in the wrong direction compared to each subsequent IPCC report:
“1990 FAR- ?65cm;
1995 SAR- ?50cm;
2001 TAR- ?40cm;
2007 AR4- ?34cm.
Yes, your ?100cm by 2100 claim is an extreme outlier.”
Box defended his 1m rise and added a couple choice “scientific” comments on my YouTube bio page. One comment consisted of: “troll”. Another comment was: “google A Reconciled Estimate of Ice-Sheet Mass Balance, dagger throwing troll, and weep?” I’ll bet he wishes he could delete them, since he also called me a troll in the comments on that video, but later deleted his comment. Too bad he can’t delete his comments on my YT page. They remain there for all to see his “scientific” responses.
He may not have appreciated this comment to him either: “Perhaps you could learn something about sea level rise from a real sea level expert, Professor Nils-Axel Mörner, PhD, who in his 42yr career has written over 500 papers. (
Those doomsday zealots are not very polite when you dare to cite data that expose their alarmism or suggest others may know more about their subject than they do.
Why is it that man can set things in motion, but lately, nature can’t do squat?