McKitten Buried By Global Warming

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Bill was named Vermonter of the year in 2012, for warning us that global warming had ruined New England winters.

Voice of the Free Press: 2012 Vermonter of the Year – Bill McKibben

This was the year of growing recognition that a string of weather events, from violent storms to record-breaking droughts, was having a profound impact on the lives of people in this country and around the world.

NOAA reports that 2012 had the fewest violent storms on record in the US

Bill McKibben’s message is finally sinking in.

Yes, 51% of Americans are now complete morons.

Voice of the Free Press: 2012 Vermonter of the Year – Bill McKibben | Burlington Free Press |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to McKitten Buried By Global Warming

  1. philjourdan says:

    Vermont gave us Sanders and Dean. The other 49 states do not listen to them.

  2. Andy DC says:

    “Weather events” of all types have been taking place since the dawn of time. People used to look at weather events with awe and wonder. Now they are an important source of leftist political propaganda.

  3. rw says:

    This was the year of growing recognition that a string of weather events, from violent storms to record-breaking droughts, was having a profound impact on the lives of people in this country and around the world.

    Who would have thought …

    More evidence that these people can’t say anything without it being some sort of self-parody.

  4. Ivan says:

    Wasn’t Ted Bundy also from Vermont?

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