Michael Mann Comes Up Snake Eyes

“As the globe warms, regions of the Earth that have cold winters will still have cold winters, and we will still see the random rolls of the weather dice, like we are seeing this winter,” climate scientist Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University told LiveScience. “But climate change is loading the weather dice, so that ‘sixes’ are becoming more common, and ‘ones’ are becoming less common.”

Big Chill vs. Global Warming: What’s Going On? | Reality of Climate Change | LiveScience

Intelligent discourse is a thing of the past at Penn State.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Michael Mann Comes Up Snake Eyes

  1. philjourdan says:

    It is Penn State after all.

  2. Josualdo says:

    Thankfully AR4 doesn’t say so.

  3. Chuck L says:

    What a pompous a$$ he is. He is going down with the CO2 Hockey Stick Ship.

  4. gator69 says:

    Just how far can one send a die with a broken hockey stick?

  5. He is so clueless that he doesn’t even realize that if that did in fact happen, everybody would benefit.

  6. Dave N says:

    “..regions of the Earth that have cold winters will still have cold winters..”

    So is it “global” or not? This guy isn’t a scientists rectum.

  7. Xander Bekkett says:

    “Dave N” is right ON the money. Global warming my ass. “Both Dave N” and I have noticed how much cooler it is where we live right this day, than it was 6 months ago and anyone with a brain would see this too (right Dave). You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure THAT out (right Dave).

  8. Scott says:

    Xander Bekkett,

    That is actually a quite poinient observation. And tonight will be most always colder than today. These are the things that everyone knows. Fewer know that there are other cycles other than Daily and Yearly (eg. PDO, AMO…). Ingnorance of this fact is the alarmists stock and trade.

  9. tckev says:

    Someone loaded the dice way back in the past –


    One of the greatest snowstorm recorded in American history occurred from Georgia to the northeast and west to the Ohio Valley. Gettysburg, PA reported 30 inches and Pittsburgh, PA recorded 22 inches.


    The greatest snowstorm on record for Cincinnati, OH began, and a day later 20 inches of snow covered the ground. That total has remained far above the modern day record for Cincinnati of 11 inches of snow in one storm.


    The hills above Los Angeles, CA were whitened by snow as Southern California recorded its greatest snowfall event. San Bernardino received 15 inches. A trace fell in San Diego. Snow totals reached as much as 20 inches on Baja California with snow all the way to the edge of the Mojave Desert.


    Many locations from the Rockies to the West Coast reported record low temperatures for the date including: Helena, MT: -38°, Bismarck, ND: -37°, Fargo, ND: -32°, Huron, SD: -32°, Spokane, WA: -28°, Cheyenne, WY: -27°, North Platte, NE: -26°, Winnemucca, NV: -24°, Boise, ID: -22°, Omaha, NE: -21°, Des Moines, IA: -19°, Concordia, KS: -18°, Lincoln, NE: -18°, Dodge City, KS: -14°-Tied, Topeka, KS: -12°, Salt Lake City, UT: -7°, Abilene, TX: -2°, Eureka, CA: 20° and Fresno, CA: 22°.


    The luxury liner Lusitania was struck by an 80 foot wave that heavily damaged the ship as it made its way to New York City. The storm that caused the high wave also produced blizzard conditions on the East Coast, including New York City, where 15 inches of snow fell.


    The Great Cold Wave of January 1912 a record cold wave settled across the South to the Mid-Atlantic region.

    Some of the extremely cold temperatures across the Mid-Atlantic included: Bayard, WV: -30°, Hagerstown, MD: -27°, College Park, MD: -26°, Lincoln, VA: -25°, Dale Enterprises near Harrisonburg, VA: -25°, Frederick, MD: -21°, Culpeper, VA: -20°, Laurel, MD: -19°, Lost City, WV: -14°, Washington, D.C.: -13°, Fredericksburg, VA: -11°, Baltimore, MD: -2°, and many others.


    Locations from the northern Plains to the deep south reported record low temperatures for the date including: Watertown, SD: -38°, Aberdeen, SD: -36°, Grand Forks, ND: -35°, Mobridge, SD: -35°, Timber Lake, SD: -31°, Sioux Falls, SD: -31°, Wheaton, SD: -28°, Waterloo, IA: -26°, Kennebec, SD: -24°, Grand Island, NE: -8°, Kansas City, MO: -7°, Tulsa, OK: -4°, Huntsville, AL: 12° and Birmingham, AL: 16°.

    Widespread heavy rains hit Southern California starting on this day and ending on the 21st. 16.71 inches fell in 24 hours near Lake Arrowhead on the 16th and 17th, a record 24 hour rainfall for California until 1943. More than 9 inches fell in two storms in the Coachella Valley. Previous storms had deposited deep snow in the mountains, adding to the runoff. Widespread flooding resulted and at least 22 people died. Roofs in Chula Vista, poultry farm in Vista, boats in Coronado and Newport were damaged. Most cities were completely inundated. Pine trees from Palomar Mountain floated down the San Luis Rey River through Oceanside. The cities of Indio, Coachella and Mecca were underwater.


    The home of a 13 member family in Lexington, TN was destroyed by a tornado. 10 fatalities resulted.


    Sydney, Australia recorded their hottest day on record as the maximum temperature reaches 113.5°. Their average January high is 78.4° and on average just 3 January days per year have a maximum temperature above 86°. A high of 104° is to be expected on average once every ten years.


    An intense line of thunderstorms raced through parts of Oklahoma. Winds up to 75 mph brought widespread damage to roofs and utilities. A funnel cloud was followed for three and a half miles over the western edge of Oklahoma City, while a tornado damaged three farmsteads southeast of Fitzhugh, in Pontotoc County. The winds were not finished however, as an intense low pressure system roared through later in the day. Again, winds of 75 mph blew out plate glass windows in Lawton, Purcell, Yukon, and Oklahoma City.


    A deep upper level trough covered most of the country bringing widespread record lows from the West Coast to the Appalachians. Palm Springs, CA plunged to 22°, their second lowest temperature on record.

    Other locations that reported record lows included: Alamosa, CO: -27°, Minneapolis, MN: -26°, Madison, WI: -26°, Waterloo, IA: -26°-Tied, Dubuque, IA: -18°, Marquette, MI: -17°, Alpena, MI: -14°, Roswell, NM: -10°, Flagstaff, AZ: -9°, Amarillo, TX: -3°, Beckley, WV: 0°, Lubbock, TX: 3°, Oak Ridge, TN: 6°, Albuquerque, NM: 6°-Tied, Little Rock, AR: 7°, Huntsville, AL: 9°, Tupelo, MS: 9°, Memphis, TN: 10°, El Paso, TX: 10°, Chattanooga, TN: 12°, Birmingham, AL: 13°, Shreveport, LA: 13°, Midland-Odessa, TX: 13°, San Angelo, TX: 13°, Las Vegas, NV: 14°, Meridian, MS: 15°, Dallas, TX: 15°, Columbus, GA: 20°, Phoenix, AZ: 22°, Stockton, CA: 22°, Fresno, CA: 22°-Tied, Sacramento, CA: 24°, Pensacola, FL: 24°, Santa Maria, CA: 25°, Bakersfield, CA: 25°-Tied, San Francisco, CA: 31°, Long Beach, CA: 33°, San Diego, CA: 35° and Los Angeles (LAX), CA: 36°.

  10. Sydney had one really hot day in the middle of summer that went above 40C and now global warming theory is vindicated. It doesn’t get any dumber than that, folks.

  11. jimash1 says:

    More Projection.
    Mann is the one withe the loaded climate dice.
    And you are not allowed to see them.

  12. Justa Joe says:

    So Mikey Mann is saying that so-called AGW is making the climate more predictable. That’s what happens if you’re guaranteed to get more 6’s than 1’s.

    I wish I could play on a craps table where I’m guaranteed more (6,6) combos and less (6,1) and (1,1) combos. Your ability to make money would be greatly increased.

    • Justa Joe says:

      The more I think about this the better it sounds. I’d play the props 11 (15:1) & 12 (30:1) heavy. I’d buy the 9 and 10, and place the 8 at 2 units & the 6 and 5 only at 1 unit. Then I’d sit back and watch the chips come rolling in. I can’t wait until Mikey Mann opens up his climate casino.

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