More Weird Weather In Colorado

Temperatures in the foothills west of Fort Collins are thirty degrees warmer than in the city.

ScreenHunter_13 Jan. 23 06.40

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to More Weird Weather In Colorado

  1. Les Johnson says:

    a chinook in the foothills, but over Ft Collins? We see that in Alberta.

  2. fridayjoefriday says:

    Urban heat island effect?
    Mr. Watts ran a story about Oak Ridge Laboratories running an experiment. Concrete jungle strikes again. Here’s that link

  3. Chris says:

    Probably radiational cooling. Light or no wind with clear skies will drain the cold air into the lower lying sections often having big temperature differences from nearby areas. The foothills probably had either cloud cover or some wind. A 30 degree difference does seem a little extreme however. If the foothills also had clear skies and no wind I would agree that this is weird and would be curious as to the reason.

  4. Pathway says:


  5. Wyguy says:

    Hmmm, up here in Wyoming we are in a heat wave, mid 40s with lots of wind.

  6. That “29” station looks like it is CIRA (Cooperative Instittute for Research in the Atmosphere), where I worked 20 years ago (and first experienced for myself the incompetence of modern scientists–ones with EPA ties and continuing government grants).

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