No Good Deed Goes Unpunished In Liberal America

D.C. police are investigating whether a man will face criminal charges for shooting a pit bull that was attacking a child in his neighborhood.

The incident unfolded Sunday afternoon, after three pit bulls attacked an 11-year-old boy as he rode his bicycle through the Brightwood neighborhood of Northwest, according to a police report.

When the man, a neighbor, saw the boy being mauled by the dogs, he went inside his home and got a gun. The man killed one of the dogs.

D.C. man who shot dogs biting boy could face charges – Washington Times

Obama says that saving just one child makes it OK to destroy the Bill of Rights.

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to No Good Deed Goes Unpunished In Liberal America

  1. gator69 says:

    They are trying to frame gun ownership as a crime. The reason they are terrorizing our kids over guns is to condition them to associate guns with punishment and shame.

    Labotomies fell out of fashion, so they had to find another way to destroy our intellect.

  2. Pathway says:

    This is what happens when fascist take control.

  3. omanuel says:

    Now we can see why George Orwell insisted on writing his warning to the public in 1946

    Although he was dying of tuberculosis at the time:

  4. This is another example of why most people refuse to help other people. You see something like this and you instantly are on a survival/defensive mode and act accordingly. What were expected of the guy? Just watch the child and the dogs and hope the child wins? It isn’t about saving the child anymore, it’s about guns huh? But the cop shot the dogs too, so the cop should be charge then too? My logic is flawed.

  5. jst1 says:

    There would be “failure to assist’ charges if the person did nothing. Maybe he could have shown a picture of Senator Feinstein to the dogs. That would certainly make them run away.

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