NOAA Temperature Fraud Expands (Part 2)

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Climate Central shows 1998 hotter than 1934. Note the green horizontal line below

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NOAA: 2012 Hottest & 2nd-Most Extreme Year On Record | Climate Central

But in 1999, NASA showed 1934 much warmer than 1998.

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NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?

I overlaid the Climate Central graph on the NASA graph, at the same scale and normalized to 1998 (blue circle.)  As you can see, 2012 is in a dead heat with 1934 – and the past has been massively cooled since the 1999 NASA graph was made. NOAA has created the false impression of a warming trend – by cooling the past!

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The Climate Central claim of 2012 being the hottest year ever is based on two big lies. The US temperature data has been massively tampered with, and the US does not represent the planet.

This whole “peer reviewed” scandal is disgusting beyond words. The claim that 2012 is unprecedented is sheer, unmitigated nonsense. EPA data clearly shows that the 1930s was the hottest decade, just as NASA and NOAA did – before they tampered with the data.

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

– George Orwell 1984

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to NOAA Temperature Fraud Expands (Part 2)

  1. Robert of Ottawa says:

    I almost don.t even bother anymore. Those lying scumbags lie, and I can’t stop them. I rail against them but they are only blivious (sic) to their funding, and Oblivious to their professional integrity. The government paid “scientific” liars produce the lies required by their paymasters.

    Yes, there are folks who call themselves scientists who actually are simply state propagandists, a la Lysenko, and they KNOW they are doing it. Sue me MUVAFWKAS. If you don’t, I will name you and call you liars in public and you can have the opportunity of slander or libel agin me. I’ve had enough.

  2. Bill Illis says:

    Here is another old chart from the NCDC using HCN stations

    6 different years beat 2012 in this one.

  3. Jon Lonergan says:

    I get this message for the both links
    The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
    Error code: ERR_FTP_FAILED

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