NRDC Forecast Update

In early December, NRDC declared that the western US was doomed to double digit temperature rise and the end of skiing.

Since the NRDC experts made that forecast, the west has been in an historic deep freeze. Michael Mann gets $10,000 per speech, to transfer some of his stupidity to people like NRDC.

ScreenHunter_409 Jan. 18 21.02

Current Climate Summary Maps – Powered by ACIS – High Plains Regional Climate Center

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to NRDC Forecast Update

  1. Me says:

    What do you expect from that bunch of punts.

  2. Ivan says:

    “Michael Mann gets $10,000 per speech, to transfer some of his stupidity…”
    Can that work – without violating a law of stupidynamics?
    Can stupidity go from the stupid to the more stupid?

  3. Pathway says:

    If the current cold trend continues until the end of the month and it appears that it will, then Grand Junction Colorado will set a new record average low for the month of January.

  4. Gamecock says:

    Michael Mann gets $10,000 per speech to tell people what they WANT to hear.

  5. Andy DC says:

    But Milwaukee is averaging 4 degrees above normal. Since it is 16 in Milwaukee rather than 12, they no longer have winters. We are all going to die!

  6. gator69 says:

    “Controversial global warming alarmist Michael Mann on Thursday evening backtracked from public statements he made earlier in the day claiming Media Trackers Florida falsely claimed he charged $10,000 for a speaking event. On Thursday evening, Mann admitted on his Facebook page that his agent does charge up to $10,000 for speaking appearances by Mann.”

    Hiding the income is turning out to be just as hard as hiding the decline.

    Got to love the hypocrisy.

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