Obama : The Young Earth Creationist

“It’s really important to remember our history,” Obama continued. “Unless you were one of the first Americans, a Native American, you came from someplace else, somebody brought you,” he said.

Obama: Unless you were a Native American, you came from someplace else | WashingtonExaminer.com

“Native Americans” arrived in the US during the last ice age. Sea level was 100 metres lower and they walked across the Bering Strait from Siberia. Tina Fey watched them do this from her house.

An exhaustive study of DNA taken from dozens of Native American groups that span from Canada to the tip of South America is helping to settle a question that has long divided scientists: When people arrived in the Americas more than 15,000 years ago, the Harvard-led research shows, they came in successive waves, not all at once.

The analysis published Wednesday reveals that while one population of “First Americans” crossed a land bridge from Siberia during the last Ice Age, giving rise to most Native Americans, there were at least two subsequent migrations. These people mixed with the founding group later, leaving traces of their genes in the DNA of present-day populations in Alaska, Greenland, and Canada.

Native Americans migrated to the New World in three waves, Harvard-led DNA analysis shows – Boston.com

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Obama : The Young Earth Creationist

  1. rw says:

    Among other things, this guy is the ultimate LBP (liberal bien pensant), who’s drunk all the Kool Aid.

    And his words resonate with millions of other Pod People.

    He’s become an avatar of all this bullshit. An icon for our times.

  2. gator69 says:

    It is hypothesized that the inventors of the Clovis Point were from what is now France. Though the first identified Clovis Point was discovered in the southwest, the majority have been found around the Chesapeake Bay, and are remarkably similar to points used in Europe.

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    “somebody brought you”
    Right. You (or the immigrants of yore) didn’t just bring yourself. Just like when you sweated night and day for years with your business, you didn’t build that yourself. Somebody else … made that happen. GD insane that this is our preezy. An upside down world. And you could see when Obama’s freaky talk on small biz and freaky talk about everything else passes as fine and dandy, you can see that the obvious bullshit the scare-mongering Chicken Littles constantly spout can also pass as fine and dandy and true.
    First and foremost, it’s OBVIOUS and incontrovertible that the hockey stick has been debunked as bogus. That means that there is nothing unusual about current temperatures. And that means that the climate is fine. And so… there’s nothing wrong. Don'[t try to fix what isn’t broken.
    Second and just as foremost, it’s OBVIOUS and incontrovertible that there is no evidence of a causal correlation between CO2 and temperatures. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but the whole AGW theory was built on this posited but debunked causal correlation! How does the theory keep on going when that causal correlation has been shown clearly to be bogus? Even the IPCC has long ago (2004?) retracted the bullshit point that there is a causal correlation. And if CO2 is both a cause and a result of warming, we would have millions of years ago had a runaway greenhouse effect that would have boiled the ocean — because previous CO2 levels reached as high as 7000ppm! The doomsayers now maintain that CO2 is both a cause and an effect warming. That’s insane.
    We need to let the people know because the public for the most part doesn’t know the two central points I have made here in this comment. And see — and share — the 3 minute video that converted me from a warmist to a skeptic (after I searched far and wide for an effective warmist rebuttal, and found none): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK_WyvfcJyg&info=GGWarmingSwindle_CO2Lag

  4. Hugh K says:

    “Tina Fey watched them do this from her house.”

    Thanks for the belly laugh….

  5. Kaboom says:

    We’re all immigrants from Africa if you look at the genetic markers.

  6. Lou says:

    Supposedly, there were evidence that there were others in North America 200,000 years ago but it was considered too controversial and got swept under the rug to protect the theory of Clovis People back in the old days.


    I’ve read the book. The archaeology team from Harvard did every right but the ivory tower did not like the result..

  7. Robert Austin says:

    “Unless you were one of the first Americans, a Native American, you came from someplace else, somebody brought you,”

    What kind of Newspeak is that! Blatantly and overtly false. If you were born somewhere, you came from there. I was born in Ontario, Canada, I therefore came from Ontario, Canada. It is irrelevant to that fact that my paternal ancestors were Loyalists that left Connecticut or further back they came from England or perhaps further back were Norse (as haplotype hints). To muddy the waters of origin further, many of us including the so called Native Americans are of mixed blood. So is Obama from Hawaii or is he from Kenya or is he from Olduvai Gorge?

  8. hell_is_like_newark says:

    Have remains or fossils from the Clovis people ever been recovered? I am partial to the idea that a major impact event ended the Clovis people and much of the mega fauna during the Younger Dryas.

  9. I think what he is arguing for is the idea that if your relatives have been in the same place for a very long time, you are more deserving of special status than other people. It’s one of those statements that sound good provided as you don’t think about it.

    • Ben says:

      Strangely, you are also more deserving of special status if you have been in the same place for a very, very short time… go figure.

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