The National Climate Assessment depends on non-existent warming in the US, so NOAA had to alter the data to make it appear that the US is warming rapidly.
Future generations of Americans can expect to spend 25 days a year sweltering in temperatures above 100F (38C), with climate change on course to turn the country into a hotter, drier, and more disaster-prone place.
The National Climate Assessment, released in draft form on Friday , provided the fullest picture to date of the real-time effects of climate change on US life, and the most likely consequences for the future.
The 1,000-page report, the work of the more than 300 government scientists and outside experts, was unequivocal on the human causes of climate change, and on the links between climate change and extreme weather.
“Climate change is already affecting the American people,” the draft report said. “Certain types of weather events have become more frequent and/or intense including heat waves, heavy downpours and in some regions floods and drought. Sea level is rising, oceans are becoming more acidic, and glaciers and Arctic sea ice are melting.”
The report, which is not due for adoption until 2014, was produced to guide federal, state and city governments in America in making long-term plans.
Let’s look at their claim that 100 degree days are going to increase. Since 1930, one hundred degree days in the US have been in sharp decline. The graph below shows all 100F daily maximums reported at all GHCN HCN US stations since 1930, and 2012 doesn’t even rank in the top twenty. 1936 had almost three times as many 100 degree readings as 2012.
The entire basis of the report is a complete fraud, and it is supported by completely fraudulent claims from NOAA. The frequency of 100 degree days in the US is down 40% since the 1930s.
Re: “Climate change is already affecting the American people… Sea level is rising,”
The disingenuous implication of that statement is that human-emitted greenhouse gas (esp. CO2) has caused the rate of sea level rise to increase. That’s not so.
In fact, although the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by at about one-fourth since the 1930s, the rate of sea level rise is rising no faster now than it was in the 1930s. In fact, the best studies find that the rate of sea level rise has decreased slightly as CO2 levels has gone up.
[My excuse for posting near-gibberish is that it’s 4:dark-thirty in the morning here. Sorry. 2nd try..]
Re: “Climate change is already affecting the American people… Sea level is rising,”
The disingenuous implication of that statement is that human-emitted greenhouse gases (esp. CO2) have caused the rate of sea level rise to increase. That’s not so.
In fact, although the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by about one-fourth since the 1930s, sea level is rising no faster now than it was in the 1930s. In fact, the best studies find that the rate of sea level rise has decreased slightly as CO2 levels has gone up over the last 3/4 century.
Bottom line (again): If this were a sane world, this would be front-page news around the world.
All this research should be presented every day on Fox News.
What’s this warning all about?
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Where do you see that?
It is on the link you provided at the bottom of your post.
I don’t see it in chrome
I have Internet Explorer.
Bs! It is getting hotter every year. This site is probably a gov run site… global warming is soooooo real… its not 97 its more like 108… the news is lying… time to buy your own tempeture meter. Bush and all those psycho red necks r
truly intentened on making the hole world deadly hot as hell… like texas…. texans suck!
In the Tampa area of Florida over the last week, our back yard temps in the sun have been over 99 degrees, but the weather on all the channels say we had a high of 91!
Either my thermometer is a liar or the weatherman is a ,,,,,,,!