Monthly Archives: January 2013

Weak Minded Fools Running The Republican Party

A few weeks ago the Republicans were holding a straight flush at the table with Obama. All they needed to do was hold their cards at the edge of the “Fiscal Cliff” and wait for Obama to fold. Had they … Continue reading

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Global Warming Would Reduce Storms

“Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought, and more powerful storms.” Storms are driven by temperature, pressure and humidity gradients. If the Arctic warmed,  these gradients would … Continue reading

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1974 : The New Normal Of Global Cooling

In 1974, the consensus agreed that global cooling was the new normal, and that much money was needed to study it. 97% of scientists understood that global cooling caused extreme weather.

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England Is Experiencing The Coldest Weather In The Last 5,000 Years

H.H Lamb published this in 1966. The hockey stick occurred 5,000 years before Michael $10,000 Mann was born.

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No Correlation Between Arctic Ice Extent And Snow Extent

Alarmists claim that snow is caused by missing Arctic ice, but the historical record provides no support for that idea. The graph below plots January Northern Hemisphere snow extent vs. January Arctic ice extent. There is no correlation. The years with highest and lowest snow extent both occurred with … Continue reading

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A Not So Beautiful Mind

All through GWB’s presidency, lefties were hysterical that we were fighting wars over an addiction to Middle Eastern oil. Now that we have a chance to become free from Middle Eastern oil, the same lefties are doing everything they can to prevent it … Continue reading

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Clinton Hides Behind Soldier’s Caskets

By turns emotional and fierce, Clinton choked up as she spoke of comforting the victims’ families and grew angry when a Republican senator accused the Obama administration of misleading the country over whether the Benghazi incident stemmed from a protest. “With all … Continue reading

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History Of The 2013 Ice-Free Arctic

In 2007, leading scientists in the US and UK predicted that the Arctic would be ice-free before the summer of  2013. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013? Later, Obama’s science adviser announced that ice-free winters would follow … Continue reading

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CNN Meteorologist Declares The Ice-Free Arctic

CNN meteorologist Chad Meyers declares that the Arctic is ice-free and is responsible for the cold weather. there is no ice up here in the North Pole [youtube=] h/t to John All that warm toasty air from the ice-free Arctic is plunging south and bringing … Continue reading

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Grist Goes Full Stupid

You really can’t make this stuff up. Why abnormally cold weather doesn’t “disprove” global warming We are thousands of miles farther from the Sun than we were six months ago. That changes the average temperature. How to respond to people … Continue reading

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